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"BEGONE .. DRAGON CHILD." Natsu's eyes widened as he let out a shout as he plummeted dozens of stories and floors downward as thorned vines began to cover his view of the sky as they closed in on him. The light was beginning to dim and it was getting harder to see as he grunted.

But they began to get sliced away into several chunks as he landed on his feet, eyes widening in surprise as a grin made its way to his face. "Sting, Rogue!"

"I knew you guys were here but why are you guys here?"

Sting was about to explain when he opened his mouth but realized who was slung over the male's shoulder. "Hold on is that —"

"Oh yeah, I forgot I was supposed to bring her to you first .." He quite literally tossed her as though she were a rag doll as he caught her swiftly.

"So you're telling me you fought Mard Geer .. with her on your shoulder ..?" Rogue asked slowly. Natsu took some time to think about it before shrugging. "Guess I did!"

"She kicked demon ass, she was already unconscious after she asked me to bring her here. But anyways! Now's not the time, I gotta fight that guy alone. It's something Igneel asked me to do!"

Sting chuckled a bit as he laid Faye against a rock.

He patted her head a bit, clearly proud of the woman before turning around with a grin. "Then let's face to see who can defeat that guy first .. us or you!"

Faye's manipulation tactics really came through in provoking the pink haired Dragon Slayer as he groaned in annoyance, contemplating his decision. "Fine!"

Sting knew that she would be safe down there as the three of them leapt upward.

He had to do his part now like she had done her own.

FAYE WAS A RECKLESS PERSON AT HEART, LIKE ALL OTHERS IN HER GUILD. Even though she tried to not show her over emotional state, even in the end, she was a bit deranged herself, prideful, arrogant — the pride of being a member of Fairy Tail, always pushing herself till the end.

Although this time it'd cost her a bit.

The bane particles, the poison from the water, even the overexertion of her magic energy, using all different sorts and types of magic that each took their individual drawbacks on her body, and even its strain from the very first fight against Tartarus when the Council building exploded ..

It was safe to say that she probably shaved a few years off her lifespan.

And although in the end Face was stopped and Acnologia still roamed free .. Tartarus had been defeated.

The process of healing was much harder than that of destroying.

Everywhere they looked their was only rubble and destruction. Everyday there were new bodies getting pulled out from beneath. Nothing was left unscathed.

Where their guildhall previously was .. was now nothing more than a crater.

The townspeople helped one another, other guilds and wizards tried their best with relief aid. But it wasn't just Magnolia, but cities all across the continent where Faces were deployed and built.

Cube had also destroyed and disintegrated most of Magnolia in addition to the countless of fights they had.

The dragons helped in preventing the wipe out of magic entirely, but of course even their saving had its downsides since they were so powerful enough to destroy Face, surrounding areas also took a toll.

So many people were still injured.

Faye was included. They all made sacrifices.

"She took the antidote days ago, shouldn't she be getting better?" Lecter stood on the nightstand as he stared at the woman. She was pale and still wrapped in bandages. It had been four days, she had been unconscious for three.

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