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WHEN THE DOORS OF THE AQUATIC CENTER OF THE SABERTOOTH GUILD HAD SWUNG OPEN, NO ONE MADE NOTE OF IT UNTIL THE VOICE HAD RUNG OUT. "Oh you guys have a skylight too .. how pretty!" Faye sung. They all looked in the direction of her voice as she merely waved brightly at them all.

"If my memory serves correct, you're from Fairy Tail." Rufus tilted his head at her as a greeting. She nodded her head back. "I am, sorry to barge in like this."

The blonde haired dragon slayer had begun to swim over to her as she crouched on the ledge, careful to not tip over. "Lookin' for me?" He grinned.

Faye only smiled and pulled a small rectangular slip of paper out from the envelope she was holding as everyone also came over to see what it was.


Their eyes all widened as the check was snatched from her hands. "SEVEN AND A HALF MILLION JEWEL?!" They bellowed, quite never having seen that much money on a check. This was more than the typical S or even SS class job gave .. and the sender was the head of Sorcerer's Weekly.

"Of course .. I made a little more than you, but, I came just to drop this off." The woman giggled.

By now, everyone had seen the magazine. Every city in the country and even the neighboring kingdoms. The word from the Grand Magic Games, the Eclipse all mixed with exclusive interviews of the hottest trending official couple had boomed through every store, market, bar.

"How much did you make, Faye-san?" Yukino asked rather shakily, considering the amount was larger than her master's.

She thought about it for a second. "Ten million?"

Their magazine had broken all kinds of records in Sorcerer's Weekly history. It was the fastest seller and was even raved by the King of Fioré himself. The princess was also caught enjoying the magazine, finding it intriguing.

"But I blew the whole thing when I got it."

Yukino had nearly fainted.

She had donated half of her paycheck to save in the guild vault for later reconstructions of their guild hall, and the other half went to a charity of choice from the public.

The two exceeds flew in the air in circles.

"On what?" He raised a brow. The woman pressed a finger against her lip. "You know, here and there stuff."

"Well, that was it. I'm in a bit of a time crunch so I gotta go." Faye dusted off her skirt as she stood up. "I'll come with." Their eyes trailed her own and most of all their guild master that had hoisted himself upward and out of the pool.

Many of them chuckled. "Just go." Rogue shooed him as he grinned. "No hard feelings, can't help it when there's a pretty lady involved."

He gently led her out of the pool room. "Can you wait for me, ten minutes?"

Faye looked at her pocket watch, following him up the spiral staircase. "Five."

Hearing that, with a burst of white magic, he rushed into the showers.

"HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU ON A DATE?" Instead of his usual attire, he merely wore a sleeveless black top and navy cargo pants, trying his utmost best to not stare at the mage's behind that teased him from the hem of her short black skirt.

"How about you get real?" Faye retorted back smoothly as she had always done.

"Walking with the most beautiful lady in all of Fioré down the streets of Magnolia, I think this is as real as it gets."

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