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".. IS IT REALLY OKAY TO LEAVE FAYE IN THE LIBRARY ALL ON HER OWN?" Lecter asked curiously as he stood on the countertop, watching Minerva cook her infamous smoked salmon. Sting nodded his head.

She had been in the library for several weeks now. Not just a couple, but several. Her meals would get delivered to her and they brought in a cozy couch for her to rest on whenever she needed to sleep.

"I believe the real question is .. Will Faye really not return to Fairy Tail?" Minerva queried aloud.

They all thought the same thing. Of course everyone had heard of the full rebuilding of Fairy Tail's guildhall along with the banding of all the members once again.

All of them with the exception of Faye.

Natsu, Lucy and Happy had swung by to check in on her .. only to find her presence nowhere to be seen. And although Sting greatly respected and looked up to his fellow Dragon Slayer .. he loved Faye more to respect the fact that she didn't want to be disturbed.

"What are you waiting for?" Sting leaned against the frame of the door, watching as she indulged herself in another book. It was to his not-so-surprise as she had been simultaneously practicing some kind of magic as there was a sphere of translucent air in one of the tips of her finger as she created a solid script in the other.

In an attempt to combine the two, they collapsed as she let out a sigh.

"I'm waiting for my signal."

By then .. Everyone had already heard of the war. The one about the black wizard Zeref verses the entire kingdom of Fioré .. or rather Zeref  and his army versus the rest of their continent.

Sabertooth was also ready to join, along with the leading guilds from the Grand Magic Games. They'd already begun evacuation for the most part and had plans and strategies laid out.

Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus would go to the North, Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel to the port city, and they would split Fairy Tail between North and South.

All she was doing .. was waiting.

"You're not going with Natsu's team?" Sting had slipped onto the table top beside her stack of books.

"Nope. I'm going out on my own." Mavis had deduced that instead of Laxus who's power would be needed incase one of their lines of defenses fell, Faye could freely deal with the three hundred ships coming in as reinforcement for the second wave. It was the most methodical and swift way to sever their line of reinforcements, by deploying Faye.

"Don't have too much fun." Sting tousled her hair.

Faye only pouted. "You're supposed to be worried about me and protest how crazy it is that they're sending me to go by myself!"

The man scoffed. "It'd be more crazy if you didn't win." Although the Spriggan Twelve were ridiculously strong .. described by Erza herself .. It wasn't like they were unbeatable. So long as the first master put them up against the right people in the right circumstances, things would tip over in their favor.

But there were only two of the twelve she was scared of. One named Irene and the other named August. A higher enchanter .. and someone who had mastered more kinds of magic than Zeref himself who had been alive for over four hundred years.

And the key word was that he mastered them and had full capabilities of copying any kind that he hadn't mastered yet and to even nullify it much smoother than she could.

But then again he had been alive for much longer than she had .. perhaps she would reach his skill level at that age as well.

But holder magic was one of the only things he couldn't copy. Things like celestial spirit magic or card magic.

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