Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day at U.A as Izuku, son of Inko and Toshinori Yagi was just relaxing in the common area at U.A while writing notes in his journal while plenty of chaos was ensuing, mostly Mineta and Kaminari being perverts as Izuku just rolled his eyes as he kept writing his notes.

However, things got more loud when Izuku's old childhood friend and bully Katsumi Bakugo started yelling at everyone like usual as Izuku wasn't having it as he closed his journal and walked towards his dorm room as Katsumi stopped screaming and just looked at Izuku with sadness.

As for you see, when Izuku was little, he and his mother were told that his quirk needed more time to develop but the amount of time that it would take wasn't known and when Izuku didn't show signs of having a quirk like the other kids, he immediately started getting bullied by all the kids, with Katsumi being the main offender with her starting to refer to Izuku as 'Deku'.

And Katsumi and her goons kept beating Izuku every day for four years straight, keeping it a secret from all the teachers and threatening Izuku with more violence if he ever told anyone about it which really messed with Izuku as he really wanted to tell his parents but he was worried that would destroy the friendship between Izuku's parents and Katsumi's parents so he ultimately kept quiet.

However one day, Izuku's parents arrived at school to surprise their son but they ended up walking in on Izuku getting beat by Katsumi, someone they thought was their son's best friend as Toshinori was about to intervene, Izuku was pushed over the edge which led to his quirk activating at last as he blasted Katsumi's goons with lightning which shocked Katsumi as she screamed at Izuku for lying to her for being quirkless until Izuku snapped at her and told her that he told her that his quirk needed time to develop.

Katsumi tried to refute that but remembered Izuku telling her that as she regretted everything she did to the boy she had a crush on and tried to apologize but Inko and Toshinori step in front of their son as Inko slapped Katsumi which definitely surprised her as Inko and Toshinori went to the teachers.

And when they did, they learned that the teachers had next to no idea what Katsumi was doing to Izuku as she got brought into the office and told them what she did to Izuku for the past four years, the worst things of all was that she told Izuku he would be better of killing himself as everyone was disappointed in her as Inko and Toshinori left with Izuku and didn't say a word to Katsumi.

After that incident, they got Izuku's quirk changed and discovered Izuku could control lightning, fire, water, light and darkness which definitely surprised Izuku as his parents were both happy for their son.

And shortly after that, Inko and Toshinori stormed towards to Katsumi's home as they told her parents everything their brat had did to Izuku which shocked and infuriated them as Mitsuki immediately grounded Katsumi and sent her to her room as she and Maseru tried to apologize but Inko slapped them, telling them their friendship was over and that their whole family can drop dead as she and Toshinori left and slammed the door behind them.

And a few days after that, Izuku and his family moved, without telling anyone where they moved as Mitsuki straight up blamed Katsumi for destroying her relationship with her best not while Maseru was very disappointed with her, while Katsumi had to live with the guilt of bullying and telling the boy she liked to kill himself over something so stupid, and the kicker is she has no idea Izuku's the son of the #1 hero.

10 years later, Katsumi ran into Izuku during the entrance exam for U.A University and when she tried talking to Izuku, he completely ignored her, mostly during the physical part of the exam as they were paired in the same area and she didn't even get the chance to say something to him as the exam and well, Izuku has definitely changed since the last time she saw him.

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