Chapter 5

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Izuku's classmates were in complete shock and disbelief upon seeing Erza as they all knew that she was a hero and very well known for her intense intimidation factor and they were all trying not to piss her off, expect for Momo and Katsumi.

Katsumi was typically pissed off seeing someone way stronger then her but she was more pissed off that she couldn't do anything due to Erza being a hero and she's get in extremely deep shit.

And as for Momo, she in complete shock due to hearing the uncanny resemblance between her and Erza's voices as she honestly thought she was hallucinating and that she's been studying too frigging hard as she sat on the couch while slightly stumbling.

"So, how are you settling in Pyrrha?" Erza asked her younger sister while having a hard time keeping her eyes off Eri who was sitting on Ruby's lap while Ruby was poking the snowball's cheeks, making her giggle.

"It's been good Erza. Well mostly, most of our new classmates are nice. Emphasis on most." Pyrrha admitted sheepishly while rubbing the back of her head.

"I know what you mean by the most part, that disgusting grape tried making advances at me before trying to cop a feel so I threw him outside." Erza said as she was cringing, remembering Mineta's beyond pathetic pick up attempts.

"How the hell did that guy even managed to get in here anyway? Like that guy isn't even remotely close to acting like a hero, let along a decent person." Yang asked as Izuku just looked at her and shrugged.

"Couldn't tell you why he's here in the first place nor why he hasn't gotten expelled yet Yang. Aizawa damn well knows what Mineta has done but refuses to do a damn thing about it." Izuku explained as everyone face plammed.

"For someone who claims they are rational, Eraserhead makes the least rational decisions. Especially judging by the fact the man barely gets any sleep. I might have to have a talk with him." Erza said as she caught a look at Katsumi as she leaned towards Pyrrha and whispered something in her ear as Pyrrha nodded.

Jaune then rolled up a piece of paper he had in his pocket into a ball as he chucked it at Katsumi, as it landed right on her head, making her angry as Jaune, Izuku and Yang both chuckled under their breaths as Katsumi stomped towards him.

"Oi, the fuck was that for Vomit Boy?!!!" Katsumi yelled at Jaune as he decided to play dumb.

"I don't know what you're talking about Bakugo. Care to elaborate?" Jaune asked while Izuku and Yang had smirks on their faces while giggling.

"You damn well know what I'm talking about, that ball of paper you threw at my head!!!!!" Katsumi yelled, getting mad at Jaune's little display of confidence as some of the class started to chuckle.

"I don't know what you're talking about. After all in your words, a weak, frail and insignificant powerless person cannot do anything to someone as awesome, strong and beyond special as yourself, am I right Katsumi Bakugo?" Jaune said while pissing off Katsumi as she hated that Jaune was making fun of her.

"Knock it the fuck off Vomit Boy or else I'll beat your ass just like I did when we were kids!!!" Katsumi threatened, seemingly forgetting that Erza's right near her as Yang got up and glared at her.

"So, it's a ok for you to bully Izuku and Jaune for something far out of their control but when Jaune does something that's a very minor inconvenience to you, that's too far?" Yang asked, pointing out Katsumi's double standards as the mutt tried to attack Yang but Blake grabbed Katsumi by the wrist and slammed her into the ground.

"Grrrrrrrr, you stupid fannus bit. . ." Blake cut Katsumi off as applying more pressure to her wrists, making Katsumi scream in pain as she let go as Katsumi ran off in a rage as Blake sat down.

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