Chapter 12

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The next morning came around as Izuku woke up as he found Ruby playing peekaboo with Eri, making him smile as he got out of bed and stretched his arms and legs.

"Peekaboo." Ruby said to Eri, making her giggle as Ruby gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek before sitting her on her lap as Izuku hugged them.

"My rose and little snowball." Izuku said while smiling as he gave Eri headpats and gave Ruby a kiss.

" Izuku said while smiling as he gave Eri headpats and gave Ruby a kiss

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"I'm never going to get tried of that feeling." Ruby said after they broke the kiss as Izuku smiled as the other girls got up, before getting dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

When they got to the common area, they were met with Ren making lots of pancakes, while Nora, Jaune and Pyrrha were sitting on the couch as Ren turned to look at them.

"Morning love birds." Ren said with a chuckle as Eri ran to the table, making Izuku and his girlfriends giggle as they went to get some pancakes, right as Jaune walked over to Izuku and patted him on the back.

"Congratulations bro." Jaune said with a smile as Pyrrha hugged Izuku and Erza, being very happy for her sister.

"Thanks guys." Izuku said as Blake sat on Izuku's lap and purred, making him smile as Yang sat beside him and rested her head against Izuku's shoulder, while Eri was eating her pancakes.

"Careful Eri, you'll get stomach aches if you eat too fast." Weiss said as she noticed Eri was eating fast, and she smiled when she saw Eri listened to her and slowed down with her eating.

"That's a good little bean, you don't want to get a tummy ache." Weiss said while she ruffled Eri's hair, making the little snowball smile as Izuku kissed Weiss on the cheek.

"It's honestly cute and cool how much you care about Eri's wellbeing, Weiss." Izuku said with a smile, while Yang giggled at Izuku's wordplay which just made the others roll their eyes and chuckle.

"So, what's on the schedule for today?" Yang asked seeing as it was the weekend and they all had nothing spectacular planned.

"Well one thing is for certain, this will definitely surprised everyone. Though certain people won't be too happy about this." Blake said while snuggling her face in Izuku's neck, before Ruby spoke up.

"It's our relationship, no one has a say in it, and if they don't like it, they can buzz the hell off!" Ruby yelled out, surprising everyone but Yang just smiled as she pulled Ruby in for a hug and ruffled her hair, before hearing a voice.

"I'll be, who would have thought the little rose had it in her."

"Natsu, what are you doing here?!" Izuku asked, very surprised to see his friend as he got up, ran over to him and gave him a hug.

"A guy can't come and see his friends?" Natsu said while chuckling which made Izuku roll his eyes and shake his head, then Natsu noticed Eri as she looked at Yang.

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