Chapter 10

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Izuku and Yang were relaxing in their room as Eri was bouncing around with joy while enjoying her present from Ruby, being a mini version of Ruby's huntress outfit which made the two smile.

"Mama, Papa, I'm a little white rose." Eri said as she spun around, making her little cape spin as she kept jumping before finding herself being picked up by Ruby.

"Auntie Ruby!" Eri said with a big ol smiled and hugged Ruby.

"You are a little white rose, Eri. Come on snowball, Auntie Weiss wants to do your hair." Ruby said which got Eri very excited as the two left Izuku and Yang's room as Erza walked in, just after the two just left.

"She's such a precious little angel." Erza said with a smile on her face as she walked into the room, and sat on the floor in front of Izuku and Yang.

"Yeah, she is. I've been doing all I can to give Eri a normal childhood since I saved her. It's not much of a hassle, but given Eri's enthusiasm, it's occasionally a bit much." Izuku said while smiling and chuckling as Yang smiled and held his hand.

"So, me, Jaune and Pyrrha overheard your little spat earlier." Erza said as Izuku and Yang just moaned out of frustration.

"Oh, don't get me started on that. Ashido is either too stupid or doesn't care that snooping in other people's business is not ok." Izuku complained out of justifiable frustration over Mina's complete disregard for his Yang's privacy.

"I'm guessing she and Iida are the reasons why you never mentioned you and Yang are part of Fairy Tail?" Erza asked as Izuku nodded his head to answer her question.

"Right on the money Erza. Iida would probably pull something out of his tail pipes to make the guild look bad while Ashido would try to post that all over the internet." Izuku said, genuinely annoyed and frustrated that despite his attempts to get along with Iida and Mina, they just have to do something to paints them in a negative light.

Iida constantly showing everyone up and trying to prove he is superior to everyone around, making himself look like a total moronic dictator in the process, and Mina's inability to comprehend the gravity of both any situations and her own actions, either because she simply doesn't see it or chooses not to do she can get what she wants.

Before Izuku could delve into his thoughts, he noticed Blake in the doorway as Yang and Erza turned to face her.

"Hey Izuku, mind calling Momo? I tried calling her twice a few minutes ago but she didn't answer." Blake explained which confused Izuku.

"Odd, Momo normally calls back if she had a missed call and only keeps her ringer off during class. And there's no way she's already sleeping at this hour." Izuku said as he pulled out his phone and called Momo twice, with no answer as he shot up.

"Yep, something is up, we have to check on her." Izuku said as he, Yang, Erza and Blake headed to Momo's room, being the first place they'd think to look for her.

They quickly reached Momo's room as Izuku went to knock on the door as he could overhear Momo's crying as he immediately opened the door as he, Yang, Blake and Erza saw her crying as they all ran to Momo and hugged her.

"Momo, what's wrong?" Blake asked as Izuku wiped her tears away, as the crying girl looked at her friends.

"Ashido, she. . . . . . I tried to reprimand her for violating your privacy, but she completely disregarded what I was saying, then she just insulted me for no reason, and brought up how easily I lost to Tokoyami." Momo said, leaving out the part that Mina knows that she loves Izuku as he got pissed.

"Grrrrr, that's it! I'm giving Ashido a piece of my mind!" Izuku said, angrily as he want to leave, but Blake stopped him in his tracks.

"I'll handle this Izuku. You and Yang stay and make Momo feel better." Blake said as she ran off to Mina's room as Erza decided to follow her, leaving Izuku and Yang behind to cheer up Momo.

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