Chapter 8

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The evening came around as Izuku, Yang, Ruby and Eri were sitting around a campfire while roasting marshmallows which Eri enjoyed eating, albeit she was a bit messy while eating them.

"Mmmmmm, these mallows are yummy." Eri said while smiling as Yang grabbed a napkin and cleaned Eri's face.

"You gotta be careful eating these Eri, you'll get messy and marshmallows can get sticky once roasted." Yang said as both Izuku and Ruby started chuckling.

"Speaking from experience sis?" Ruby asked while laughing along with Izuku which made Yang embarrassed and Eri giggle.

"Shut up Ruby!" Yang shouted in embarrassment as Izuku and Ruby kept on laughing while Eri was confused to what was going on but she kept enjoying her marshmallows

"Yang, you were so messy when eating marshmallows to the point Mom made sure to pack extra napkins so she could clean your face." Ruby said as Izuku just smiled and ate a marshmallow before continuing laughing.

"You weren't any better Ruby!" Yang snapped back at Ruby as Izuku calmed Yang down with a kiss which worked very well as Yang calmed down.

"Now now, let's not get fired up over childhood habits Yang." Izuku said to Yang which made her giggle a bit as Eri looked up at her mama and papa.

"Hey Papa, what did you, Mama, Auntie Ruby and Uncle Jaune used to do when you were younger?" Eri asked as Ruby picked her up and sat her on her lap.

"Oh, we used to go on lots of crazy and fun adventures when we were younger Eri, and they were really fun." Ruby said as Eri had starts in her eyes while Ruby handed Eri to Yang.

"Yeah, your papa usually led our adventures and every time I was in trouble, he always swooped in and saved me like a knight in shining armor." Yang said as Eri was in awe as Izuku playfully hit Yang's shoulder.

"You left out the part where most of those times were because you got in over your head, Yang. You see snowball, your mama was and is still a bit of a hot head." Izuku said as Yang held her head down while Eri giggled.

"Did you have to make me look silly in front of our daughter, Izuku?" Yang asked as Izuku just chuckled and kissed Yang on the cheek, subconsciously making Ruby feel awkward.

"Don't worry, I still love you Mama, faults and all." Eri said while smiling as Yang just smiled back at her daughter, before she gave her a big hug.

"You're so pure and kind Eri. No matter what people say, being kind is not even close to being weak, never forget that sweetie."
Yang said as Eri nodded her head, leading to Yang give Eri headpats.

The night continued on as Eri heard stories about Izuku, Yang and Ruby when they were younger which absolutely captured Eri's attention, leading to the little snowball listening to every word she heard, despite not really understanding everything but she kept on listening until they all ended up turning in for the night, and went to bed.

*The next day*

Weiss and Blake were in the middle of looking over their notes while Kaminari tried to hit on Weiss and flirt with her, only to fail miserably as he slumped towards Mineta and Sero.

"I don't get it, how could that not have worked?" Kaminari complained as he floped his head against the table the three were sitting at.

"Told you you should have tried your luck with the cat girl." Sero said as Kaminari rolled his eyes.

"And that was your a game to! Ice Queen has got no taste!" Mineta said as they then heard slurping, turning to see Shoto eating some soba.

"If that's your a game, that's pretty pathetic." Shoto said as he finished eating his soba, as the three looked offended at Shoto.

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