Chapter 3

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Izuku and Yang both woke up as they rested their foreheads together as she kissed him.

"Oh, I've missed this so much." Yang said as she rested her head against Izuku's chest as he smiled and kissed her on the head.

"Yeah, I've missed seeing your beautiful face when I wake up." Izuku said which made Yang blush as they got dressed and heard Eri outside as Yang quickly hide her bunny outfit under the bed as the door opened as Eir ran to her mama and papa and hugged them.

"Mama, Papa!" Eri said with glee as Izuku and Yang both hugged their little snowball, making her smile.

"Did you have fun Eri?" Yang asked her snowball of a daughter as she nodded.

"Uh huh Mama, we went to the park, Uncle Jaune flew me around like a airplane and Auntie Ruby got us cookies and cream ice cream." Eri said as Yang looked at Ruby, who was looking sheepishly as Yang just chuckled and kissed Eri on the forehead.

"Sorry we weren't there with you snowball." Yang said as she patted Eri on the head.

"Don't be sad Mama, you missed Papa and you wanted to spend time with him alone. And if you're happy, then I'm happy Mama." Eri told Yang which made her speechless as Eri smiled.

" Eri told Yang which made her speechless as Eri smiled

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"Too precious." Was all Yang could say as she hugged her little snowball and gave her headpats, making Izuku smile.

"You want to help me unpack my stuff Eri?" Yang asked which made Eri's eyes light up as she immediately agreed to it and hugged Yang as Izuku decided to let them have some mother daughter time as he left the room.

"Looks like you two had some fun while we were out." Izuku heard Jaune behind him as he turned to look at his best friend as Jaune pointed at a hickey Izuku had on his neck which made him blush.

"Guess this is karma for all the times I joked about the hickeys you got from Pyrrha huh?" Izuku asked as Jaune nodded and playfully hit Izuku's shoulder as Izuku just chuckled as he did the same with Jaune as the two headed to the common area.

In the common area, Momo was feeling down in the dumps while looking at a framed picture of her and Izuku together.

In the common area, Momo was feeling down in the dumps while looking at a framed picture of her and Izuku together

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