Chapter 6

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A while passed since Izuku, Yang and Ruby left as Jaune, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora were watching the original 1986 Transformers movie.

"I don't get why people still blame Hot Rod for Optimus' death. Sure he should have stayed out of Optimus and Megatron's fight but he didn't pull the trigger on the gun that killed Optimus." Pyrrha said while she was snuggling with Jaune.

"Well, what Hot Rod should have done was shoot the gun away from Megatron instead of tackling him like an idiot." Jaune said as he rested his head against Pyrrha's shoulders.

"Why didn't Optimus just shoot the gun out of Megatron's hand or shoot him in the head?" Nora questioned while looking at Jaune and Ren.

"Well, Optimus figured Megatron would have used Hot Rod as a cybertronian shield." Ren said as Jaune realized something.

"Wait a minute, why didn't Optimus just move out of the way? He literally just stood there, basically asking to get shot." Jaune stated as Nora, Pyrrha and Ren took a second to think about what Jaune just said as their eyes all widen at once as they had a simultaneous mind blow.

"Oh my god." All four of them said at once as they finished watching the movie as they headed to the common area to get something to eat as they saw Momo and Blake just hanging out together, talking about books and whatnot while Weiss was also with the pair.

"Seems like those 3 are getting along well." Pyrrha said as Weiss got up as she walked towards the others, leaving Blake and Momo to themselves.

"Oh, I remember one time Izuku was hanging out with us and it was an extremely hot day so we went to a big lake Izuku and Yang knew. And the whole time we were swimming at the lake, Izuku used his water abilities to make the whole thing extremely fun and made a sprinkler in the middle of the lake." Blake told to Momo which made her giggle.

"That seems like something Izuku would do. I remember when it was storming very badly one night and the power was out, and Eri was understandably scared so Izuku used his light powers to become a walking nightlight for Eri and he sung her a lullaby to help Eri fall asleep. And it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen." Momo said as the description made Blake smile.

"That sounds so adorable." Blake said while smiling.

"You know, it feels weird that Ruby and Yang aren't here. Like, this just feels odd to me." Weiss said as the others agreed.

"Yeah, we've been around them so often, it feels wrong that they aren't here." Nora remarked as the absence of Ruby and Yang made them feel off.

Meanwhile, after a good while of driving, Izuku, his parents, Yang and Ruby made it to their destination as they all got out of the car as Ruby helped a sleeping Eri out of her car seat and held the little snowball in her arms as Yang opened the door to her parents home.

"Mom, Dad, we're here." Yang called out as she was hugged by her parents while Izuku and his parents walked in which led to them being hugged by Tai and Summer.

"It's been a while Toshi." Tai said as he gave the big guy a hug right as Ruby walked in with the sleeping Eri which peaked Tai and Summer's interest.

"Ruby, who's that little angel you're holding?" Summer asked her daughter as Ruby began to wake Eri up.

"Eri, wake up snowball." Ruby said softly as she gently rocked Eri which got her to wake up.

"Mmmmmmm, ma. . Auntie Ruby, are we there yet?" Eri asked while she rubbed her eyes as Tai and Summer were both confused by this little girl calling Ruby aunite as they looked at Izuku and Yang right as Yang grabbed Eri from Ruby's arms.

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