Chapter 7

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Summer brought Eri and Ruby inside after the two fell asleep after playing outside for a long while as she brought them to Ruby's room as she tucked the two in as Eri hugged Ruby tight while in her sleep.

Seeing that made Summer smile as she kissed both Ruby and Eri on their foreheads, happy seeing Eri and Ruby cuddling together as she walked out but saw into Yang's room and saw Yang and Izuku cuddling together.

'Still hasn't changed from when they were little.' Summer thought to herself as she headed back downstairs as she sat down with Inko, Toshinori and Tai.

"Doesn't matter how old they are, it's always cute seeing Izuku and Yang being so close to each other. " Summer said while smiling as Inko nodded in agreement.

"So Toshi, how's Izuku been at U.A?" Tai asked as Toshinori took a sip of the water he was drinking.

"He's doing great though he hasn't gotten much practice with his weapons since he started, and the reason for that being he doesn't want one of his classmates and his homeroom teacher getting on his ass for no real reason, again." Toshinori explained to Tai as he took a another swig of his water as Tai just had a look of confusion on his face.

"Who the hell is his homeroom teacher?" Tai asked as Toshinori and Inko looked at each other before answering Tai's question.

"Aizawa." Toshinori said, leaving Tai completely shocked as he nearly fell out of his seat.

"That sleep deprived jerk off?! That guy can barely take care of himself, how the hell is he going to take care of a bunch of kids?!" Tai asked in complete disbelief as Inko and Toshinori just shrugged their shoulders.

"He really doesn't. He rarely does his job and when he does, he talks so painfully soft it's like he's trying to get them to fail on purpose. And given he expelled a whole class on the first day, I can believe that. And the fact he has it out for Izuku just because he's Toshi's son doesn't help either." Inko said as Toshinori just nodded in agreement.

"That and he's dealing with Katsumi yelling in his ear, trying to get him to notice her." Inko said as Tai and Summer both face plammed.

"Inko, we all told you hanging around her mother was a horrible idea. How many times did you bail her out of trouble, only to have her keep getting into more trouble? Hell, she never once was grateful for any of the times you got her out of trouble and I swear I caught her eyeing up me and Qrow a few times." Tai said as Summer felt ready to snap and kill a bitch.

"Ok, I will admit I may have had a error in my judgment, I didn't think she was that bad, though I was wrong. Still, I don't understand why Katsumi did all that to Izuku in the first place. She'd rather be dead then be what other people tell her to be, so why act like everyone else?" Inko wondered and took a moment to think before Toshinori realized something.

"Hey, where's Qrow? Did he drink himself to unconsciousness again?" Toshinori asked as Tai just shook his head.

"Nope. He was going to be here but something came up and he left before you guys got here, though he didn't say what it was about." Tai explained which peaked Toshinori and Inko's curiosity.


Aizawa was in Nezu's office, getting an earful from him while Erza was giving the sleep deprived hobo a death glare.

"So, Toga managed to break in and you only showed up after she was captured by your students, am I right?" Nezu asked as Aizawa was subconsciously shiting his pants.

"W-Well, I was busy with something else that was important and. . ." Aizawa tried to bullshit his way out of trouble before Nezu showed security footage of Aizawa sleeping.

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