Chapter 16

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Blake was sitting on her bed while looking over her notes when she noticed Eri walk into the room, sporting cat ears on her head.

"Look Mama Blake, I look just like you." Eri said with a big ol smile as Blake was speechless, before pulling Eri into a hug.

"You look so adorable Eri!!!!" Blake squealed with joy as she held her snowball daughter in her arms, while Eri was giggling at the affection she was getting from her faunus mama.

"I love you Mama Blake." Eri said, which made Blake smile as Eri handed her a picture she made, leaving Blake speechless.

"Eri. . . . . I love it." Blake said as she hugged the snowball more, giving Eri more joy and smiled even more.

"I knew you would love it Mama Blake." Eri said while smiling as Blake gave the little snowbean lots of headpats.

"You're so thoughtful Eri." Blake said as she and Eri started cuddling.

"Papa taught me to always be nice and honest, except to really, really mean people." Eri said as she rested her little head against Blake.


Yang and Momo were outside of Mineta's room as they were rigging up two buckets, filled to the brim with ice cold water and confetti.

"Hehehehe, this will teach the grape not to mess with my little sis." Yang said with an evil smirk as she and Momo finished rigging up the buckets.

"You sure this will work Yang?" Momo asked, not knowing if it would work or not.

"Oh, it will work, trust me Momo." Yang said with reassurance as she pulled out her phone.

"Jaune, almost in position?"

"Yeah, almost." Jaune said as he was climbing up to Mineta's room on the outside, before reaching his window and climbed inside the grape's room, and it was exactly what Jaune was expecting.

"I'm not sure what pathetic and creepy smells like, but this is it." Jaune said to himself as he pulled out a trash bag and grabbed all of Mineta's clothes, before throwing them into the bag.

However, to be more evil, Jaune grabbed all of Mineta's dirty mags as well and chucked them into the bag before heading to the window and climbed down.

Yang and Momo then knocked on Mineta's door very loudly and ran off, as fast as they could right before Mineta opened the door, and immediately gotten drenched in ice cold water and confetti, and immediately saw he had no clothes to change into.


Izuku was doing some sparing with Erza as they clashed their swords together, having a little back and forth before Izuku was able to overpower Erza and used his water abilities to maneuver around Erza.

"Catch me if you can Erza." Izuku said with a cheeky and playful tone in his voice as Erza just smiled and chuckled, and leaped after him.

Izuku and Erza kept on clashing their blades while Izuku kept on moving around to trip her up, however Erza managed to think fast and cut off Izuku's path and kissed him, which definitely surprised him.

Erza then tripped up Izuku and threw him over her shoulder, before pinning him on the ground but she couldn't help to kiss him again, though this time Izuku kissed her back.

"Hehe, you win Erza. Did Yang give you that idea?" Izuku asked Erza as she help him back up while blushing.

"Well, I. . . uhhhhhhhh. . . . . . a bit." Erza admitted as Izuku chuckled and hugged Erza.

"No need to be embarrassed Erza." Izuku said as he held Erza's hand as they headed inside, and saw Jaune placing Mineta's dirty mags all over the place.

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