Chapter 4

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After that little mess with Katsumi, Eri eventually fell asleep as Ruby picked up her adorable niece and tucked her in before kissing her on the forehead, which made Eri smile in her sleep.

"Well that's just great, we're basically stuck with a female knockoff of Cardin who's a super power supremacist whose discriminates against everyone." Ren said as everyone in the room all agreed without hesitation when Blake remembered something.

"Speaking of that racist dickhead, he hadn't shown up for class at Beacon for almost a  month, you guys think he finally got expelled or dropped out?" Blake questioned as the others took a moment to think.

"Well, I'm pretty sure if he were expelled or dropped out, we would have heard about it from the teachers by now, don't you think that'd be the case?" Weiss questioned which was a pretty valid point while Jaune and Pyrrha both shared looks with each other that the others didn't notice.

"Well, either way I say good riddance. I have no idea why he wasn't expelled sooner since that fucker had shown time and time again he is a horrible person, both in his not so subtle discrimination against fannus but him constantly trying to bully Jaune for no reason." Pyrrha said which definitely took the others by surprise since they never heard Pyrrha speak with that much distain for someone before.

"Good thing Eri isn't awake to hear that." Ruby said as Eri didn't wake up from Pyrrha's little tangent.

"Pyrrha has a point though, Cardick should have been expelled for all the shit he pulled and for not doing any of his work, trying to make me do it. God, I was an idiot for giving that dick too many chances." Jaune said when suddenly, both he and Ren flinched while both clenched.

"Ren, you and Jaune are ok?" Nora asked, both curious and a bit worried about the two.

"Yeah, we're fine Nora. Just feels like some poor soul just got kicked in the balls." Ren said when they heard some faint yelling,  recognizing it as Yang upon listening closely as they heard Yang was now on their floor as they were a bit scared to open the door but Yang suddenly calmed down as Izuku opened the door.

"Hey guys, we miss anything?" Izuku asked while Yang was clinging onto his shoulder with a smile on her face as they say down.

"Well, nothing much aside from that mutt bursting in here and screamed at Jaune for no reason." Weiss explained as both Izuku and Yang face plammed.

"Yeah, that checks out. God, and she wonders why I refuse to see her as anything other then a classmate and nothing more." Izuku said as he saw Eri sleeping which made him and Yang smile as Izuku ruffled Eri's hair.

"Soooo, what was with that outburst just now sis?" Ruby asked as Yang let out a extremely annoyed sigh.

"Well, me and Izu got back from our drive and the moment we got off Bumblebee, Mr stick up his ass runs outside and starts yelling at me for having a motorcycle, saying it's dangerous and kept heckling me about even after I showed him my damn license. And I tried my best to ignore him bit he kept getting on my nerves, so I may or may not have activated my semblance and kicked him in the dick." Yang said sheepishly as Izuku just chuckled and patted Yang on the head.

"Hmph, he sounds like a huge jerk! Is he always like this Izuku?" Ruby asked Izuku as the others look at him, looking for an answer from him.

"Yeah more or less. Iida's a bit of a. . . . ok he's a total control freak. He basically tries to micromanage the hell out of damn near everything and everyone. Hell, during the entrance exam, he interrupted one of the teachers for not mentioning something the teacher was about to explain and threw shade my way from being a bit excited and I just went off on him for being a dick." Izuku explained as Yang was proud of her boyfriend and kissed him.

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