Chapter 17

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Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha and Ren were getting their gear on before heading towards the training ground and faces their opponents, being Iida, Mina, Mineta and Sero.

And right off the bat, Pyrrha used her semblance to keep Iida in place due to his suit being metal.

"What the?! How are you doing this?!" Iida yelled out as he tried as hard as he could to move but kept failing to do so.

"Magnets, bitch." Was all that Pyrrha said as Sero's face turned pale white.

"Yeah nope, I'm tapping out." Sero said as he put his hands up while Mina and Mineta looked at him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean you're tapping out?!" Mina shouted while Mineta was too busy perving on Pyrrha and Nora.

"Exactly what I said. You heard her, think about the implications! She's basically Magneto just as a teenage girl and without the baggage and trauma of being a holocaust survivor. Plus they're all fucking strapped! Arc has a sword and shield, Nikos has a blade that doubles as a damn semi automatic, Ren has machine guns and Valkyire has a hammer that doubles as a grenade launcher!" Sero yelled out.

"Oh please, those two chicks don't have the guts to. . ."

"Fore!" Nora cut Mineta off by hitting him with her hammer, sending the grape flying.

"Wanna gang up on him Nora?" Jaune asked as Nora had an excited grin on her face.

"You read my mind fearless leader!" Nora yelled as she and Jaune ran after Mineta while Pyrrha threw Iida back using her semblance.

"And Mineta wonders why no woman will ever give him the time of day." Pyrrha said while Ren just shook his head.

"No fair, that's cheating!" Mina complained, making Pyrrha and Ren have deadpan looks on their faces.

"You got to be joking, Pyrrha using her semblance is cheating? Explain to me in what universe is using a power you're born with considered cheating?" Ren asked as Mina couldn't think of an answer and rushed him and Pyrrha, only for Pyrrha to trip her up with her shield and Ren to kick her into a nearby wall.

"How did you think that was going to go?" Pyrrha asked with a sassy tone in her voice as Mina started throwing acid at the duo, as Pyrrha used her shield to block and deflect the acid while Ren showed off his acrobatics as he dodged Mina's attacks with ease, before quickly finding cover.

Ren then started firing his machine guns at Mina, who used her acid under her feet to help her maneuver around Ren's bullets and out pace Pyrrha, before Iida tried to pull a fast one on Ren but he saw it coming from a mile away and kept jumping out of the way of Iida's attacks.

Ren and Iida then kicked each other at the same time, resulting in their legs clashing as Ren had some issue due to Iida wearing armor but he quickly bashed his foot into Iida's face, causing him to stumble backwards before Ren jumped over him and threw the blue hair stickler over his shoulders.

Iida hit a wall and before he had anytime to react, he found himself on the receiving end of a bunch of punches and kicks from Ren, and quickly ended up unconscious due to Ren's onslaught who quickly ran towards Pyrrha who was in the middle of chasing Mina.

'All I have to do is tire her out, then I can take her down with ease.' Mina thought to herself as she threw some more acid at Pyrrha, who quickly jumped out of the way as Mina fully turned around but couldn't see Pyrrha anywhere.

"What the?! Where'd you go Miss Champion, you scared of me?!" Mina taunted, trying to draw Pyrrha out which didn't work as Mina immediately turned around, having heard something behind her which started to creep her out.

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