Chapter 18

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Yang was all alone in her and Izuku's room while looking out the window before looking down at her hands, which were slightly shaking.

'I can't believe I did that. Guess I'm no better then Katsumi, or even Raven for that matter.' Yang thought to herself as she heard the door open and saw her little snowball walk in.

"Mama, Papa said you're feeling sad." Eri said softly as she closed the door while she walked over to Yang, and hopped onto the bed.

"Don't be sad Mama, you know that me and Papa really, really love you." Eri said as Yang quickly hugged her daughter while crying.

"I know you and your papa love me sweetie, I just. . . ." Yang tried to think of something to say but her sadness stopped her from finishing her sentence as she held onto Eri tighter.

"Oh, Mama." Eri said while hugging Yang, trying her best not to cry as well before the door opened again, as Yanh saw Izuku walk in before closing the door and hugging her.

"Shhhh, let it all out Yang." Izuku said softly as he strokes her cheek while looking at his golden dragon in the eyes.

"You know I'd never, never leave you." Izuku said as Yang hugged him and Eri and had no signs of letting go.

"You've always been there to pick me up whenever I was sad, let me do the same for you Yang." Izuku said as Yang kept on crying while outside the room, the others were all piled around their room with their emotions all over the place.

"Does the universe just hate all of us or something?!" Nora yelled out in frustration while being consoled by Ren as Jaune clenched his fists before attempting to leave.

"Jaune, where are you going?" Pyrrha asked, getting a bad feeling seeing her boyfriend acting the way he is.

"I'm going to go tear Katsumi a new one!" Jaune said as Ruby got in front of him.

"Jaune don't, it's not worth it!"

"Ruby, that bitch terrorized me, you and Izuku for years over the most idiotic reasons imaginable! She does deserve every amount of pain inflicted onto her." Jaune said as he tried to moved past Ruby but she wouldn't let up.

"Jaune, Yang already gave her more than enough pain to repay for what she did. Besides, attacking Katsumi while she's already down will just make the rest of the class hate us even more." Ruby explained as Jaune knew Ruby was right as he slumped against the wall.

"Isn't there something we can do about this whole mess?" Momo asked as the others all shock their heads no.

"Honestly Momo, there's not much we can do. All we can do is hope this whole thing blows over fast, but at this rate I doubt it well." Blake said while leaning against the wall, being able to hear Yang's crying.

"As if Yang beating Bakugo senseless wasn't bad enough, now they won't ever let her hear the end of the fact her own mother abandoned her." Weiss said in a annoyed and pissed off tone.

"Worst case scenario, we could always stay at the guild for a while until things here blow over." Pyrrha suggested, knowing that there was a very high chance that things were about to get way worse.

'Not a bad idea. Besides, being at the guild would give Ren, Nora, Blake, Weiss and Momo better opportunities to train and get stronger. Plus, they'd fit right in.' Erza thought to herself while Pyrrha felt bad for one of her closest friends as Weiss stood up and walked off.

"Weiss, where are you going?" Ruby asked as Weiss turned around to look at her friends.

"I'm going to get something for Yang to eat." Weiss said as she continued walking towards the kitchen, hoping that whatever she decided to make for Yang would lift her spirits, even if just by a little bit.

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