Chapter 13

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Izuku, Blake and Yang got back from their date, and the moment they walked into the dorms, Pyrrha told them everything Tsuyu said about them, and it was safe to say Izuku wasn't happy in the slightest, as he marched right up to Tsuyu and bitch slapped the frog girl across the face.

Izuku, Blake and Yang got back from their date, and the moment they walked into the dorms, Pyrrha told them everything Tsuyu said about them, and it was safe to say Izuku wasn't happy in the slightest, as he marched right up to Tsuyu and bitch sla...

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This act of aggression really caught Tsuyu off guard as Izuku glared at her, with lots of rage in his eyes.

"Listen, and listen well Asui, you have no right to judge my girlfriends when you barely know them, and you sure as hell have no right to judge who I date, and how many people I date!" Izuku said, while trying his best not to snap as Tsuyu was actually very scared.

"I-I-I-Izuku, I. . . ."

"Save it Asui, you are not allowed to call me by my first name. And if you have issues with my friends and girlfriends, don't talk behind their backs like a coward." Izuku said, with lots of venom in his voice as he shoved Tsuyu out of his way as he grabbed something from out of the fridge before he, Blake and Yang walked to his room.

"And by the way, lose your blunt and bitchy attitude, otherwise you will end up hurting people's feelings, and get yourself into trouble." Izuku said as the three walked away along with Pyrrha.

"Is there just something about us that the others don't like about us? Do we come off as unpleasant people or something?" Yang asked as they got close to her and Izuku's room, while Blake just shrugged her shoulders.

"I hope not, I thought we made good first impressions when we got here." Blake said as her ears drooped in sadness while Yang held her hand.

"Maybe we can do something for the others. Like setting up a party or something." Yang suggested as they reached Izuku's room.

"That could work, hopefully." Izuku said, having some hope as he opened the door and saw Eri cuddling with Ruby, like she was a massive teddy bear while Weiss was laying on the floor studying.

"Hey Papa." Eri said with a big smile as Izuku smiled and placed what he grabbed from the fridge down, before sitting beside Ruby and Eri.

"You two look so adorable right now." Izuku said while smiling, as Eri hugged Ruby tighter as Yang and Blake took pictures of them.

"What did you bring up, Izu?" Ruby asked as Izuku smiled and took off the cloth that was covering what he brought up, revealing it to be a cake.

"Ohhhhh, what kind is it?" Ruby asked with a lot of excitement in her voice while Eri was slightly drooling due to have tasty the cake looks.

"Cookie flavored cake." Izuku said as Ruby quickly shot up, handed Eri to Weiss before giving Izuku a big hug.

"Cookie flavored cake?!?! I could kiss you right now, Izuku!!!!!"

"Then kiss me, Ruby." Izuku said, which Ruby quickly responded without hesitation as she and Izuku kissed.

" Izuku said, which Ruby quickly responded without hesitation as she and Izuku kissed

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