Monstrum in oculis - Monster in his eyes

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The longer I spent in here, the bigger my vengeance grows. I am almost drowning in anger, there are debts to be collected. If killing was an art I would be some sort of an artist. I am starving and when I get out there will be a bloodbath.

The door opens in a hesitant manner as I am suddenly met with dark brown eyes, a woman. Immediately my eyes scan her; somewhere in her early twenties, curly messy red hair, 5'6, pale skin and a shy demeanor. As I read her body language I notice how tense she is. What woman works in a high security prison filled with man? The closer she comes the tighter the air grows;


I can almost smell it spreading across the room. I thrive on fear and I gladly thrive on hers. Her small hands work their way up on my arms, stitching my cuts. Nobody knows I do not only speak Russian, but also English. These stupid fucks here probably think I do not speak any other language except Russian, wrong. I speak many more.

When she reached for the door I am roughly jerked up by guards again and brought back to my cell. My eyes never leaving hers as I am jerked through the door. I intensely watch her as I see her gazing towards the floor. Her innocence and kindness is the key, the key of getting out of here. I had only been here for a few hours and already found the weakness in this system, her.


I stood there, paralyzed. A feeling I had never felt before. His words kept ringing through my head over and over. I could feel his gaze burning my back as the guards escorted him out of the room. I rested my head against the wall and tried to calm my heartbeat for a minute. Why did I feel so nervous? I had never met this man before and he was already invading my head.

Just a few minutes later Lea walked into the room, 'Wow, have you seen a ghost?' I lifted my head as I took in a deep breath 'Have you heard about the man they arrested this midnight? He is Russian, that's basically the only thing they know about him, there are no other details to be found on him.' Lea took a sit on the chair where he had been previously sitting and crossed her legs. 'Yes, Nick told us all to be careful but that is about it. Why? You seem a little off, did something happen?' I sighed 'No, I just cleaned his wounds and stitched him up, but there is just something off about him. I just-' I couldn't explain what it was, but something just felt off.

'Maybe you just had a rough night, could be the lack of sleep. If nothing happened than you're fine right?' I looked over at Lea 'You're probably right.' Lea stood up and laughed 'Yeah, we also deal with psychopaths here. Maybe he has been in and out of jail multiple times and knows the system. He is probably just a man with no conscious, just like many other inmates in here.' I smiled, Lea always knew her ways to make me feel better. I forced a smile as we excited the room 'You're probably right, I do feel a little less anxious.' But somewhere I did not, some ominous feeling did not leave my body and little did I know it never would.

After our break we both separately went on to look after a few other inmates. When the time finally reached 6 AM my shift was over. I was exhausted, not to mention that my second job started at 12 PM again. Only giving me a few hours of sleep, how can a girl live like this? I signed as I changed out of my scrubs and into my joggers again. I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye to Nick 'See you Wednesday!' I tried to quickly make my way out of the building as I really wanted to catch some sleep. Not to miss the fact that I did not want to face Nick about what happened. Nick gave me a quick smile before he continued his phone call. But before I was about to turn on my heels and leave Nick called me back, of course, fuck.

'Isabel, I need a quick word with you before you head home.' I turned around, put on my fake smile as I stood in the doorway 'Sure, what's up?' Nick approached me after placing his phone on his desk, 'How did it go? Did he show any signs of foreign behavior?' I twisted my lips 'He did didn't he?' Nick asked while raising his eyebrows. 'He just spoke a couple of words' I stated while looking anywhere but at Nick, 'nothing special'. 'He spoke? Why did you not report this to me?' I signed, I was extremely tired and felt my brain shutting off. 'I did not think it would be that much of an importance.' My response seemed to tense Nick a little bit 'Isabel he has not spoken to anyone since he came in, not a word.' As Nick's words rang through my mind I noticed my heartbeat speeding up again. 'What did he say?' Nick took out a pen to write this conversation down, probably to report it to the officers. 'Something in Russian, I don't really remember it.' Nick wrote something down before speaking again; 'Next time he talks, inform me immediately. This is important information that I need to communicate to the NYPD.' I nod 'I will, sorry.' Nick gave me an approving nod 'It's alright, now go home and get some rest.' I gave a small smile while nodding in approval. With that I made my way outside.

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