Finis contractus et amplius - Ending of a Contract and More

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I step back, taking a moment to admire her. Bound and helpless, she's a vision of exquisite torment. I'm going to miss her, the way she submits, the way she fights, the way she breaks under my touch. But tonight, I'll savor every moment, imprinting it into my memory.

I walk around her, the anticipation building within me. Her body tenses, anticipating my next move. I reach out, tracing a finger along her jawline, feeling the shiver that runs through her. "You should have known better, Kotenok," I murmur, my voice a low growl. "You can't escape me. You never will."

Her eyes flicker with a mixture of defiance and resignation, and it only fuels my desire. I grip her chin, forcing her to look up at me. We share eye contact for a couple of seconds.

I lower my lips to her cheek, kissing it roughly, tasting the salt of her tears. She tries to pull away, but I hold her in place. When I finally pull back, her chest is heaving, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and something else—something darker, more primal.

I'm not digging my grave, not hers, not mine. I'll control my dick, mouth; and heart.
She doesn't know how much trouble she would cause. How fast she needs to leave Russia.

"I'll make sure you remember this night," I whisper, my voice a dangerous linger. "Every touch, every whisper, every breath. You'll remember it all, and you'll know that you have belonged to me."


It's the next morning, and I'm sore; everywhere. I'm marked everywhere and his touch lingers on my entire body.

I sit up and groan at the light hitting my face. He's not here, his car is gone too. I rub the sleep from my eyes, I could for sure use a shower. As I want to stand up my legs almost give out, I just manage to catch myself.

He set his own promise into reality; I will never forget I belonged to him, what he has done to me countless times.

Today our contract ends.

And so does our contact. Like the threat intended.

It sucks to hurt for a man you never even had.

The pain within me makes itself known at random, realizing I can't decide what my heart actually wants. I can't ask him what I actually question. It was a mission doomed to fail. The pain stems from a love that never really lived, it never had a chance to flourish.

It's a feeling of being robbed, but not exactly knowing what off.

Except my virginity and sanity.

I wished it be so different, I wishes we be so different. But he's a criminal, and he will forever stay one, what more could he have lied to me about?

He taught me Russia and how to cheat at cards.

How to fuck.

The reality sets in; I've shared something so personal with him. It only makes the pain worse.

I at least now know how to make an omelette.

Something has touched me deep in the chest, and I've become used to Aslanov his presence. It's something warm and fragile.

I felt safe. - I wonder how that was possible with a man like him.

I don't know how or when exactly it happened, but Aslanov has made his way inside.

Now it needs to dissolve.

For his sake, mine and a lurking danger.

Later that day...

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