Inventiones - Discoveries

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(Long chapter ahead!!! After this one comes what you all been waiting for🖤 *smut* Enjoy!! Xx Myla)


Aslanov's absence leaves the house shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the faint echo of my footsteps as I cautiously explore the unfamiliar surroundings. With each step, I feel a sense of trepidation gnawing at my insides, but a curious impulse drives me forward, urging me to unravel the mysteries that lie hidden within the walls of this imposing mansion.

As I wander through the dimly lit corridors, the grandeur of the house overwhelms me, its opulent furnishings and ornate decorations a stark contrast to the starkness of my own surroundings. Every room holds a sense of secrets waiting to be discovered, a tantalizing invitation to delve deeper into the mysteries that surround me.

My curiosity leads me to a grand staircase, its marble steps polished to a gleaming shine. With hesitant steps, I go down the stairs, my heart pounding in my chest as I anticipate what lies beyond. At the bottom of the staircase, I find myself standing before a series of closed doors, each one holding the promise of untold secrets.

Without hesitation, I push open the nearest door and step into the room beyond. As my eyes adjust to the light, I find myself in a beautiful kitchen, its elegant furnishings bathed in a soft golden glow. But what catches my attention is the figure standing by the window, her silhouette framed against the fading light.

For a moment, neither of us speaks, the silence stretching between us like a taut wire. But then, the woman turns to face me, her features softened by the gentle light filtering through the window. There's a warmth in her eyes, a kindness that sets me at ease despite the uncertainty that still lingers within me.

After a while she greets me and I greet her.

Her English is not the best but we are able to understand each other fine. I came to find out her name is Sasha. She is a very soft and sweet woman, making me wonder how she survive in a world like this.

The house is huge and made of wood and stone, it has a private gym and multiple rooms, three floors in total and a basement. There is a huge hallway leading towards a black door, its locked with multiple locks.


His office is connected to the bedroom, it's open and if I wanted to I could roam around in it. But I don't.

I don't want any more trouble.

I make my way downstairs again after a while meeting the smell of food in the kitchen.

Sasha turns around and smiles at me, mentioning to sit down. She fills up my plate and pours me a cup of tea. My stomach growls at the thought of food. I must admit the jetlag is already catching up on me.

I smile at her and thank her as she takes her own plate, wanting to go eat somewhere else. I stop her, "wait, where are you going?" She turns around meeting me with a confused look, her Russian accent meets air, "eat at my place miss."

"You can eat with me?" She looks hesitant, "I don't normally eat where Aslanov eats."

I squint my eyes, weird. "But I'm not him. Really I could use the company." I offer her a smile and after a little doubt she comes to sit with me on the kitchen table.

After about 15 minutes Sasha isn't timid anymore and she warms up to me. I take the advantage of asking her some questions. I get to know her and some history about her life, finally the conversation slowly drifts off to him.

"He isn't open about what businesses he does, especially not to me." She states as I sip on the cup of tea she offered me. I am still a little shaky after what happend and have a lot of anxiety rise in me for the moment he will return.

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