Alligatus - Tied Down

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(Thankyou so much for 100.000 reads 🥹🤍!! I feel so honored to have you all here and hope to keep on entertaining you with my writing. It's a small childhood dream to gather this small sweet community of international book friends. I love you all a bunch, and if you were here from the very beginning, much love - Myla🤍)


Don't do it.

I want him so very bad.

I want his hunger, I want his darkness. I rather have his darkness than nothing at all. It hunger's me.

A burn that can no longer be ignored.

I sit with my phone in hand, don't do it.

-Since when are you such a pussy? Postponing important matters.

I did it.


I walk over to the car, it's tinted windows hiding the contents inside.

As I open the door and take a seat in the drivers side I run a hand down my stubbles.

Sexual frustration mingled with anger.

Before I start the engine my phone buzzes, expecting a message from Dominik, yet it's quite the opposite.

I stare at the message on the screen, it boils, overbearing.

I get out of the car, slam the door shut. As I make my way over to the house and unlock the door I have to let the anger die down in me.

Apparently she's very eager for a punishment, so I will personally give her one she won't forget. I like her fire and spirit, but as much as I like playing with her; this can't keep happening all the time. Especially not later. She needs to be careful with her choice of words and actions.

I slam the door shut and of course she's nowhere near in sight now, little scared mouse.

"Such a fool mouth for such a little girl, and now hiding like a scared mouse?" I patrol around the wooden floor as I open every door and cabinet, slamming them shut right after.

I stop in the middle of the room, eerie quiet. And just when I want to set foot again, a tiny crack comes from the storage shed.

I smirk.

Found you Kotenok.

I don't have much time, so within a couple seconds I've ripped open the door and turned on the lights. I storm inside and throw everything out until I catch sight of something. I approach it, but soon realize it's a red bag. All in the same second she runs past me, out of the shed. Her feet make the wooden board crack.

I turn around and this time I sprint after her, her scream fills the cabin. And just when she wants to close the bedroom door I snatch her ponytail.

She screams at the top of her lungs.


My hands immediately try to pry his hand from my ponytail, but he only tugs harder. He slams the door open and pushes me onto the bed.

He settles a bag down. His boots thump against the floor.

Everytime I try to get up from the bed he pushes me down again.

My heart hammers in my chest as he throws several pieces of rope onto the mattress. He snitches off the bedsheets and throws it on the ground. Everything happens in a flicker of light.

He points at my dress, "out," it's the only thing he says. Nothing else, it's a simple command.

My hands slowly make their way over to the side of my dress where the zipper is, I zip it down and slide the dress off.

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