Faex - Shit

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The night air in Moscow carried the chill of uncertainty as I stood on the rooftop, overlooking the city that answered to my every command. The news of Anton Volkov's betrayal had set in motion a sequence of events that would test the strength of the empire I have built.

The city's underworld is a maze of allegiances and rivalries, and I know that eliminating Volkov would send ripples through the delicate balance I have maintained. 

But there is no room for mercy in my world. Loyalty is non-negotiable, and betrayal has a price.

Except for hers.


The past months I have shed more blood than I ever have. Yet I still feel no serenity. 

The city lights flicker below, mirroring the tumult within me. Every step I take in the pursuit of dominance feels like a dance with shadows.

I have to release my anger. I therefore changed my mind, I will deal with him myself. 

Volkov will be a very unlucky man tonight. 


The revelation of his true identity shakes the foundations of my carefully constructed new life.

The knowledge that I had unwittingly crossed paths with one of the most formidable figures in organized crime sends shivers down my spine.

My hands tremble as I carefully close the file, the weight of the revelations pressing on me like a suffocating blanket. 

The fear that had taken root in my heart for the past months now threatened to paralyze me, and the once comforting solitude of my work desk felt like a cage closing in.

I pace back and forth, the city lights outside the window flickering in sync with the erratic rhythm of my thoughts. 

Is this what I want?

The decision before me looms like a dark abyss — to retreat into the safety of ignorance or to confront the perilous reality I have stumbled upon.

The risk of discovery became a constant companion, but my desperation for answers propelled me forward.

I already know to much.

As I dug deeper, the night started to set in. 

The dark secrets I unveiled painted a portrait of a criminal mastermind, Aslanov, whose influence reached far beyond Moscow.

Far beyond.

Fear and fascination intertwined, creating a potent cocktail of emotions that left me paralyzed.

My instincts screamed at me to distance myself, to erase any trace of my curiosity and resume the semblance of normalcy I had worked so hard to build. Yet, an undeniable pull urged me to delve deeper, to uncover the truth.

Several files layed across my desk. Every file a collection of crime he or his men had committed. Blackmailing, stalking, kidnapping, armed robbery, robbery, drugs, illegal contribute, human trafficking, road rage and murder. 

My eyes are glued to the paper and I think my heart stopped beating a few seconds ago.

As I opened another file the consequences of my relentless pursuit loomed ominously on the horizon.

There is enough information about him, but the most important part is missing. The part that is making it impossible for people to find or arrest him.

What he looks like. 

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