Sapere Aude - Dare to Know

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It has been three days, the whole weekend passed and I haven't heard anything from him anymore. I stayed with Lex the whole weekend, feeling like her place would be a better safe haven. I have no idea what he has been doing, and frankly I don't want to know.

It's Monday, meaning I have work.

Police work.

I debate on going, he hasn't said a word about it. Yet I feel like a 'bad girl' as he would say for going to work. After an hour of debating I get dressed, putting my work vest and heels on. The same ones I had on when-

I swallow the acid down, but not only acid- arousal to.

I have not been feeling like myself. I am not like this, I am a good person. I don't ever break a rule really and I live a normal life, until him.

He is like a blood sucker, stuck in my brain.

I throw my red hair into a ponytail and add a layer of mascara to my lashes. That is all for today, I honestly never wear much make-up because I'm lazy.

I grab my black shoulder bag and throw it over my shoulder while unlocking the door of my apartment. Making my way through the busy New York streets I take the subway to the police department. As soon as I reach the front door an eerie silence throws itself at me. Everyone is at the conference room, nobody is at their desks. Ada spots me and mentions me to come. I hesitantly walk through the heavy doors of the crowded room, taking a stand in the back as Trevor begins to talk. Trevor has been in charge of this place for over 20 years. Whenever he shows up it usually is for a serious reason.

He clears his throat, ''Everybody take a seat if there is an empty chair available next to you, you might need it.'' Everyone exchanges confused looks. I stand in the back, but I have a clear view over the unfolding scene.

As I stand at the back of the crowded conference room, Trevor's solemn expression sends a shiver down my spine. The hushed whispers die down as everyone takes their seats, their eyes filled with anticipation. Ada motions for me to find a seat, but I remain standing.

Trevor clears his throat, his gaze scanning the room. "I have some unfortunate news, and it's crucial that everyone here is aware of the situation. Over the weekend, a heinous crime was committed in the heart of our city. One that involves an unknown dangerous criminal and an associate of the New York Mafia."

A collective gasp ripples through the room, and my heart quickens as I exchange glances with my colleagues.

His name isn't mentioned but I know it is him.

Trevor continues, his voice measured, "The crime in question is a ruthless act, orchestrated by a man very known in the underworld. He has ties to organized crime, as well as the New York Mafia. It seems we're dealing with a new level of criminal here."

The room falls into a stunned silence.

Trevor proceeds to share the gruesome details of the crime. My mind races.

The realization hits me like a sledgehammer – I've become entangled with a man capable of committing unspeakable acts. The consequences of my involvement with him suddenly loom larger than ever.

Maybe I need to stop being a brat.

As the gravity of the situation sinks in, I feel a mix of fear and regret.The room remains heavy with tension as Trevor concludes, "We're launching a joint operation with federal agencies to dismantle the criminal network he's associated with. That will be the first thing we will do since nobody knows anything about the man in question here. This is our best beginning shot. This is a critical moment for our department, and we need everyone's cooperation and commitment."

Everyone nods in agreement.

Trevor pauses, his expression grave, before continuing "He is responsible for a series of coordinated attacks on rival criminal factions. The aftermath is nothing short of a bloodbath. Multiple bodies were found at the scenes, displaying signs of extreme brutality and a level of violence we haven't witnessed in a long time."

He projects images onto a screen, showcasing the crime scenes with a chilling precision. The photos reveal a scene of horror – lifeless bodies, some dismembered, and others bearing the unmistakable marks of sadistic violence.

I clasp my hand in front of my mouth.

"His message is clear," Trevor adds, his voice cold. "He's asserting dominance, sending a brutal warning to anyone who dares challenge him or the criminal empire he represents. This isn't just a criminal act; it's an act of vengeance.''

Gasps and murmurs ripple through the room as the officers process the severity of the situation.

''We cannot let this menace continue to wreak havoc on our city. Federal agencies will be joining our efforts, and we'll be coordinating a comprehensive strategy to bring him to justice. This will however become a very difficult job.""

Bring him to justice. Trevor his words linger in my mind. And something in me sparks. A feeling of relief.

What if they actually catch him? My heart starts to pound faster.


The next morning, I find myself standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows of my penthouse, the towering skyline of New York stretching out before me. The early light filters through the cityscape, casting a warm glow on the sleek, modern interior. The events of the previous night replay in my mind, each detail etched into my memory.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air as I reflect on the calculated chaos that unfolded in the discreet Italian restaurant. The alliance with the New York Mafia is now solidified, sealed with the blood of those deemed expendable.

As I sip my coffee, my thoughts drift to her. I know she works at the police department, and it's only a matter of time before she hears about the events that transpired last night. A subtle smile plays on my lips at the thought of her reaction, my little innocent kitten.

The muted sounds of the city below, a constant hum of activity, serve as a reminder that life continues, oblivious to the machinations of power brokers like myself. The alliance with the New York Mafia grants me access to new territories, resources, and opportunities. It's a step toward achieving dominance in this ruthless world, where weakness is exploited and strength is revered.

The uneasy nods and reluctant agreements of the remaining Mafia members linger in my mind. The message is clear – alliances with the Russians come at a cost. A cost that some are willing to pay, while others find themselves on the wrong side of the balance.

I turn away from the window, the cityscape disappearing behind the sleek, modern interior of my penthouse. The digital clock on the wall ticks away, a reminder that time is a currency not to be wasted. The events of the previous night, though significant, are merely a stepping stone in the larger narrative I'm crafting.

As I contemplate the path ahead, Isabella's face flickers in my thoughts once more. I know her world is about to collide with mine in ways she can't fathom.

But my hunt isn't over, now I will have to play with my Kotenok.

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