Diabolus est pulsans - The devil comes knocking

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I had never seen this man before. But I also knew from the moment I saw him that I did not have any desire to know him either. Vodka fills my nostriles. I suddenly feel completely sober again.

The man comes closer to me after ditching his cigarette onto the floor. I am wearing high heels, but this man still towers over me. He moves closer as he places his mouth right beside my ear; 'izmennik' traitor.

His voice spreads through me like ice, Russian.

It can not be? My face colours the brightest red ever as he moves his face away from my ear. I feel dizzy. The man inspects me as his gaze lowers to my exposed breast. If eyes could violate, I would have been. Nobody notices the interaction. Not even a lot of people are outside anymore. And by the looks of this man I do not stand a chance in running.

'Do you know what happens to traitors, Isabella?'

My face turns into stone. As tears fill my eyes this man lifts up his jacket. Revealing a black gun in his back pocket. 'Do you want a foretaste?'

I rapidly shake my head. I'm not getting fucked tonight, I am fucked.

'I advice you to do as you are told from now on. Otherwise there will be consequences, there are always consequences Isabella. Don't play games with a man you know nothing about.' With that he and the man behind me leave. They get into the black Mercedes and before driving off he looks back at me. Mentioning Nadia behind me while shaking his head. His lips move, I don't know if I am that good at lip reading but I am sure he said 'not a word'.

A now free tear runs down my cheek as Nadia shows up infront of me. Fuck.


Isolation is like hell. Sure the place of isolation can become the place of revelation. Isolation is a good way to get to know yourself. Maybe I should put her in isolation too once I'm out? She'll be a quick learner.

Te little girl will soon find out what's in store for her. Seduce and destroy.


After last night I have not dared to leave my house. I pushed Nadia off with some sort off a lame excuse. She was luckily too drunk to notice my poor effort. When I came home I locked all the doors and closed every window. Terrified they would have followed me to my house.

I'm currently sitting at my kitchen counter, bawling my eyes out. I haven't been able to get one bite of food in. I have not slept one minute and now it is again almost 8 PM the following evening. And guess what, I have work. And I can not call in sick, I'm terrified I will loose my job and become homeless too. I will be homeless and terrified, sounds bad.

As I drive to the prison complex to park my car I beg to god to not get me in contact with him.


One hour, I am escorted outside in another cell to get some air. Some fucking air. It's 10 PM. Yet another day here.

As I am following my usual workout routine I am suddenly distracted by the main gates opening. I finish my pull-up as I stare towards the gate. Smirking at myself, there she is.

The gate closes and they move towards the entrance of the building. Next to me an inmate is getting ready to be picked up again to go back to his cell. I know I am soon to be transported back too so I stand at the locked door. Putting my hands through as a guards comes up, cuffing them together. The feeling of steel has gotten familiar to me. As my cell door opens so does the door open of the other man next to me. What I did not see coming is him slashing out to the guard with a self-made knife. He slashes the guard in his face as he runs off like a complete crazed.

But the direction he is running in is making me unwell. He is making his way directly to her. Everyone runs away panicked, but of course this glupaya devchonka doesn't. This is going to cost me another few weeks in isolation. Fuck this.

I knock the guard in front of me down while reaching towards his belt, taking his gun. I run after this crazed guy and shoot him in his leg. He grunts, but he keeps running. I give him a 10+ for effort. I come closer to him, somehow he noticed it because he turns around and stabs the knife in my fucking arm.

It snaps, I snap. My eyes turn black and so does the fear in his eyes once he realized who he has stabbed.

He drops the knife and yells for help. I laugh, pathetic. He tries to run away as I drop the gun to the floor, I pick up his own knife and stab him in between his eyes right in front of her. His body collapses onto the ground, boom, dead.


I parked my car and waited until Lea arrived too. She arrives just after me and we walk to the gates together. As we are talking about her new appartment we suddenly hear yelling. It happens all so quickly I could not comprehend it. A man is coming towards me with a bloody knife in his hands. I freeze at the spot while people around me start screaming. Just when I think I am about the get hit, I'm not. I don't feel anything.

I open my eyes and am met with a huge shadow. The man who wanted to attack me is facing away from me, but I can see him. He is at least a head bigger than the other man. Everyone is frozen as suddenly the man facing away from me drops dead on the ground. I only hear static of my own blood running in my ears.

I slowly lift my eyes off of the ground, meeting his gaze. This is the closest he has been to me without chains, standing. I feel like a mouse, a really tiny mouse. He doesn't show anything, it is just a blank dark stare.

Suddenly the static in my ears disappear and my ears are filled with the sounds around me again. Guards come in with masks on, dressed in all black heavy gear.

They move towards him. Yelling at him that he needs to drop the knife, and he does. He does not resist. They tackle him to the ground and restrain him. Until the last moment they drag him out of the prison yard he keeps eye contact with me.

His eyes did not leave my mind after that for days.


I am placed into my isolation cell again. Only this time they did not uncuff me. So here I sit again, with my wrists cuffed to the table and think. Think of her while fucking blood poures out of my arm.

She would come to me and once she would, I would make her crawl.

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