Amate - To Terrify

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playlist song; Renegade by Aaryan Shah


The cops clear the entire yard while blood pours through my ears. 'Isabella! Issa!' I am torn away from my mind as Lea runs over to me. 'Are you okay??' She basically yells in my face while checking to see if I have anything on my body. I don't stare at her, I stare at the ground where the bloody knife lays and a pool of blood. The inmate who died is dragged away by guards as a pool of blood is all that is left behind.

'Issa!' I snap my gaze towards Lea. 'Gosh, all the blood is draining from your face. It's okay, nothing happend to you. You hear me? You're safe now.' She assures me as the only thing I do is nod. I can't think properly. I can't think at all. His eyes are the only think left in my mind. Burning holes in my soul.

Lea escortes me inside as snow starts falling, it's freezing. A guard wraps a blanket around me as I see Nick approaching me from the corner of my eye. He takes a chair and sits next to me. 'You alright?' I nod in response. I honestly don't know how I am ever going to remove the image from my brain.

'I understand if you want a couple days off. As a matter of fact I think that is best for you.'

I look at Nick and nod 'Yes, I think so too.' I release a breath I did not realise I held. After another short conversation with Nick and Lea I return to my locker to grab my bag and change. I get to go home, I am shivering as I walk down the long hallway. Something feels off. I grab my keycard and place it against the holder to open the doors. The entire room is empty, normally there is at least someone getting changed at this time. Strange.


Waiting and waiting has made me sick. I watch as the door off the cell opens and it is not her, It's her friend, Lea. I stare at her as she is escorted in by a guard. He closes the door behind her with a loud bang. Poor Lea.

She reaches over to me, does not greet me, let alone make any visable contact with me. How coarse of her.

She reaches for my stitches and starts to clean them up, stitching them. The procedure takes about 10 minutes until she is done. Once she is finished she reaches out to my arm one more time to close the stitch and once she has done exactly that, I grab her.

I reach both of my cuffed hands up from the table and wrap them around her neck, snapping it. She immediatly falls to the floor, lifeless.

I brace myself as soon after that as a guard steps in, I wait next to the door and when the dumb fuck opens it I punch him in the face stealing his gun. The man falls to the floor, without a gun you would merely call him a man at all. 'Please, no. Wait no! I have a daug-' And before he can finish his sentence I end him.

An all around alarm is ringing as music through my ears, my men are here. It's time. Time to reclaim who I am, time to reclaim freedom. Time for a bloodbath.


I finish getting changed and throw my bag over my shoulder as I leave the door. I make my way back to the open court yard space as suddenly an ear crushing alarm goes off. I freeze in the spot I am standing. Fuck.

Gunshots are to be heard in the distance as I hear them moving closer to me. I mentally slap myself in the face as I realise I need to run the fuck away. I run back to the changing room as fast as I can. I fumble with my keycard, my hands are shaking like a fucking vibrator. Fuck fuck fuck.

After several tries the door finally lights up with the green light and I can step in. I lock the door behind me, breathing heavily. I lean my ear against the door, footsteps. I can feel my heartbeat almost forming a straight line.

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