Flammae Lusio - Playing with fire

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Days have passed.

Aslanov has changed his demeanor and he's been more gentle than I've ever seen him.

It's kinda scary, not going to lie.

We talked, watched television, played cards; and yes he beats me every single time.

We've sit by the fire, he didn't leave for four whole days even when they called him. He's stayed with me and has been taking care of me. My body feels a lot better, I've healed and honestly never felt better.

I feel good, I think I feel safe.

I've never have experienced this kind of care. It feels very good, it's healing some of my bruised parts.

It's 4 PM now as we sit at the table, Aslanov deep's voice fills the cabin as he has been trying to teach me some Russian.

And let me tell you, I suck at it.

Yet he's been a patient teacher.

I'm more focused on his lips rather than the sounds coming out of it.

But he figured it be better to learn some of the language since I'm here and since it's his native language.

But Russian is goddamn hard.

I'm trying to mimic the sounds he's teaching me and the simple words. I stumble over most words, my tongue struggling to wrap around the unfamiliar syllables.

Aslanov chuckles at my effort, "you're doing well love, Russian is not an easy language, you're still making progress."


Yes, he's been calling me that since a couple of days.

Ever since I told him I'd like that.

And everytime it makes my heart flutter.

"Okay let's try again," I mumble irritated, not wanting to accept my defeat. Aslanov nods, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Good, repeat after me; pivret," I repeat after him, and a couple more words after that. And these are just the most basic words, yet they already seem to confuse me.

And reading, that's impossible. I've never seen such letters before. Aslanov says he'll teach me after I know how to speak a bit more proper.

"Okay next; spasibo," the word hints something different in my brain.

It's the first word he has spoken to me, the first time I saw him, in prison. I repeat the word after him; "what does it mean?"

"It means thankyou," he tells me while looking at my wandering mind.

It surprises me that he had actually said something relatively normal to me. I honestly thought at that time he meant something different. And when I wanted to look it up, shock consumed me rather and I never went through with it.

After an hour we stop, Aslanov slams the books shut and takes away my notes.

"Thanks for trying to teach me," I mutter while balancing on the back legs of the chair. Aslanov puts the book back in the bookcase and before I know it he pushes my shoulder, making the chair collide with the floor. Now all the legs are positioned on the floor again. "You're going to fall like that, and you're welcome."

I purse my lips together.

He's - dominant, very.

Aslanov's lips come close to my temple and press a warm gentle kiss against it. My cheeks fill with blood again as they have been doing that a lot recently.

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