Dum spiro spero - While I breathe, I hope

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Yes, I am pleading for my life. Don't call me pathetic now, you would do the same.

A firm grip is the only thing I feel, I can't feel his hands. There is no warmth. The only thing I seek. As tears keep streaming down my face I wait for a reply, an answer. But I don't get anything. His eyes pierce through me, but there is no mercy behind them.

He suddenly lets go off my chin and stands up, a hard scraping sound is heard as he pushed the chair back. I remain on the floor, alone. Somehow I miss the tiny bit of warmth his close body gave me. I don't dare to move.

Suddenly there is a bang on the door, straight after, a man comes inside. He is switching Russian words with him. But I have no idea what they are talking about.


Even through my gloves I can feel how cold her skin is. These gloves are not to keep me warm in any sort of way, they are to not leave any traces DNA.

Like I said before time ticks slow in hell, but now it is passing by like a snake. One of my man rushes through the door. His eyes immediatly focussed on the girl on the floor. His eyes reach mine; 'Bosse, mne nuzno dostavit eye vie machino vmeste s ostalnymi? vse gotovy, my gotovy k otyezdu.' Boss, do I need to take her to the car with the others? Everybody's ready, we're ready to go.

I nod in response, while my gaze turns to her. She is not looking back, she is fixated on the floor. I feel like she thinks the less she looks at me, the more she hopes I don't exist. But I do.

'Net, ya pozabochus au ney sam. idti. No, I will take care of her myself. Go.

He nods at my response. Nobody ever questions me, never.

'Mashina stoit snaruzy, voth klyuchi.' The car is outside, here are the keys.

I thank him and dismiss him all in the same second. It's time I decide what to do with her.


As the man leaves I am again trapped with him alone. I don't speak any Russian and god I wish I had taken Russian classes right now.

He is moving behind me, circling me like a predator.

Suddenly he appears in front of me, kneeling down to reach my eye level. 'Da, are you going to be good or not?' He takes out a needle from his pocket with a clear unknown syringe.

I am quick to move away. I crawl to the door, fear takes me over. I can't think clearly. He is going to drug me. I start screaming like a mad woman. And yes, with that I dug my own grave. The only sound escaping my lips are screams of terror as he gets up. His eyes fill with nothing but a dark voide as he moves closer to me. 'I take that as a no.' He states simply, he does not look fazed by any of my terror screams.

As he reaches down for me I plead to him like he is a priest at my local church.

'No, no, no please. No, stop!'

I try to pull away from him, but there is absolute no use. Before I know it he injected the syringe into my neck.

I feel like I have limited time and try to stand up, but the drugs already kick in straight away and right before I fall he catches me. He places me on the ground in between his feet as he is reaching for something behind him.

My limbs start to feel numb, but I don't loose my consciousness. I try to produce any sound, but they come out as tiny sobs. I feel paralyzed and extremely tired.

He starts gathering his stuff. A couple of lone tears fall from my eyes. My vision becomes blurry, but my nose smells alcohol. Alarm bells go off in the building, fire.

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