À la folie - To Insanity

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I stare at the blade in my hand, it is tiny, but sharp like a knife. I quickly take the blade and put it in my bra, hiding it. It might come to use later on. I can not help but to shake as my hands tuck the blade away, pull yourself together Isabella.

I take a deep breath while looking at myself in the mirror. I fix my hair, tucking it behind my ears. I need to keep calm. I make my way over to the door and slowly twist the knob. I stick my head out first, left and right, there is no one. I immediatly feel like it's a trap. I slowly step out of the bathroom making my way into a hallway, it is a long and dark hallway with multiple doors leading to various rooms. It's like a maze. My bare feet touch the cold black tiles of the hallway, sending shivers up my spine.

The layout of the house feels like a huge labyrinth, and with every turn, I discover more winding corridors and hidden nooks. A sense of disorientation sets in, and the panic rises like a tide.

I make my way down the hallway, taking a turn right at the end I am met with an open door. The lights are on in the room, but as I peak my head through the door I am met with no one. Soon enough I set foot in the room. There is a small dimmed light burning, but it's not enough to see the entire room. I feel with my hand on the wall to my left and soon enough a light flicker is turned on. It lights up the entire room, the room is dark grey with an office in the middle of it. Next to the office there is a leather chair with multiple screens. I move closer to them, turning them on. My eyes freeze on the screen, the screen shows the now empty concrete room which has been my cell for several days.

He watched me here.

I swallow as I see multiple files on the desk, all of them are Russian. I realize this might be my only chance ever to gather some information, so I take it. I pull open the cabinets next to the desk, revealing many more files. I start scanning them, running my fingers through most of them. I can not read most of the files but suddenly I stumble onto a white file with red letters on it, it's Englisch.


Air leaves my lungs as I mentally scream.

Russian mafia.

I feel panic consuming me as I continue looking at more files. I can not read anything else on these files since it's in Russian, but the only thing that keeps coming back is the Bratva mark.

I suddenly turn to stop and look at the computer on the desk, internet, communication. I make my way over to the desk, the computer itself is locked, of course. It needs a password. As I look down on the screen I can see the date. It's Wednesday, suddenly I become aware of the fact that I have been inside that cell for over a week. Sweats of panic slowly start to form as I try to come up with a password. But how the fuck would I know the password for this computer? I don't even know the name of this man, I can't type Russian, I am just fucked. A frustrated growl leaves my lips. 'Fuck' I whisper scream towards the screen.

My breathing starts to pick up, the sound amplifies in the silence. I am clutching the end of my sweater, my fingertips are white with tension.

I shouldn't be in here, and the problem is that I have no idea how to get my ass back into the bathroom again. And I already expect him to have realised that I have left the bathroom.

Looking around the room I spot a picture of a young girl. His sister.

He told me the truth.

I pick up the tiny frame with the picture in it, looking at it. She looks young, innocent, and has red hair, like me.

There is nothing else in the cabinets apart from files and more files. I lean back into the chair, it is a comfy chair. The chair is big, I almost disappear into it when I lean back. I feel defeated. The only thing I have is the tiny blade, but the only thing that is going to bring me is constant anxiety from being afraid of the fact that he will find out.

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