Veritas - The Truth

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It needed to die.

The sight of us.

Not the feelings, no those are undeniably.

She looks fucking beautiful in that dress.

And if there were no feeling involved I would maybe actually be interested in buying her.


As I stand in front of him, my gaze flickers to Dominik at the side of the room, shaking his head at me with a mixture of warning and resignation. A surge of boiling rage courses through my veins as I begin to understand that whatever is going on is a sick and twisted phenomenon.

Suddenly, Aslanov's finger curls towards me, and I feel the tension in the room grow palpably. With each step closer to him, my frustration mounts, but as I catch sight of my hair tie wrapped around his wrist, I pray that this what is happening isn't real. It must be fake.

Why are all these people here? And these woman? What the fuck is going on.

Suddenly his text message pops up in my head - Not the time for disobedience.

My brains crack and as I can not seem to understand what is going on, I can understand one thing; as much as I hate it; I'll have to comply.

Aslanov is a dangerous man, even after what happened. But besides that, the whole room is filled with people that aren't known for their charity either.

So as he sits down again in his dark throne and nods to the floor there is just one option do to, submerge myself to the floor on my knees and drag all my dignity alongside.


Now she's kneeling at my feet, not in the same way she has before. Not in the playful, entertaining manner. No, in a completely different setting and there is no ounce of fun here.

Her slight protest doesn't add to the situation.

But my firecracker seems to somewhat understand the situation. With piercing eyes she crouches down next to my feet.

My hand finds its way towards her head, gently stroking it.

For the men at the table a usual gesture, petting their pets.


The men at the table grin, it sickens me. I want to wrap their insides around their neck and use it as a noose.

She flinches under my touch.

The sweet soul.

And above a mere whisper she dares to speak, wishing she hadn't such a habit of misbehaving.

"I fucking hate you."

My chest tightens, little fighter not now.

Now I will have to take actions that I don't want to.

My mind screams while my gaze doesn't fill with a single sign of emotion.

My fist bangs on the table, she flinches at the sound. Everyone's conversation dies instantly, eyes on me.

I'd want to cut out every one of their insides and use it as a noose to hang them.

I'd protect her. Even if the consequences are her hating me.

I'll let them see her submit to me, so they all know who she belongs to.

After all I would not be able to let her go.

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