Necesse Fit - The Inevitable Happens

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Triggers: sex
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Part 4

I'm so weak. I'm hanging off his shoulder as he is dragging me back to the cabin through the forest.

Soon I realize that I have been running in circles, since the cabin is only a few minute walk away.

I'm defeated, my body limp over his shoulder. My feet can't function anymore and hurt from running through the mud and torn leafs.

After a couple of minutes we enter the wooden cabin again, the heath of the fire claiming my damp skin. Aslanov locks the door and his boots thump on the floor. He slowly puts me on my feet, but my body doesn't have the strength. So it only takes two seconds for me to fall to the floor.

His masked face looms over me, I can slowly feel my heartbeat pick up in speed.

It's a panic I've come so familiar with I know it's no good. It wraps around me like a vice and makes my face even less colorful than it already is. Aslanov seems to notice as he approaches me. My hand reaches my chest as I try to keep a steady breathing.

"Please stop." I mumble in a whisper, through ragged breath.

Everything crashes down on me, so many emotions.

What am I even doing, what are we doing? What is he doing to me? Why do I feel this way? And why on earth did it feel good?

Aslanov observes me with a calm demeanor, his masked face giving away nothing of his thoughts or intentions. With deliberate movements, he crouches down beside me, his presence towering over me but his touch is gentle as he reaches out to soothe my trembling form.

"Easy now, Isabella," he murmurs, his voice low and steady, cutting through the haze of my panic. "Breathe with me." His hand rests lightly on my shoulder, offering a grounding touch.

I try to inhale and exhale.

His dominance is evident in his commanding presence, yet there's an underlying sense of care and understanding in his actions. He's in control, but he's also attuned to my needs, he's stopped and listened to my request.

My breathing calms a little as I close my eyes, not realizing he has taken of his jacket on put it around my exposed body. The heat invading my senses.

As my breathing steadies, Aslanov continues to exude a calming presence. With a steady hand, he brushes a lock of hair away from my face, his touch feather-light yet grounding. He takes out a leaf that was stuck in my hair.

He stares at it before throwing it on the ground next to me.

He suddenly reaches up and pulls down the mask that has been covering his lower face, revealing his face for the first time since we entered the cabin. His features are strong and angular, his eyes dark and intense as they meet mine with unwavering sincerity.

"Better?" he asks, his voice a warm rumble that resonates with understanding and concern.

I nod as I swallow down the panic in my stomach.

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