Bona Puella - 'Good girl'

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(A song recommendation. The chapter you have all been waiting for, I did my utter best. Enjoy🤍)


I swallow hard, feeling a surge of fear rising within me. I know I've made a grave mistake, one that I will undoubtedly pay for dearly. But as I gaze up at Aslanov's impassive face, I can't help but wonder what punishment he has in store for me.

I tried to talk to him, but he shushed me down.


I nervously fide with my fingers as after just 10 minutes we reach the porch again.

So much anxiety fills me.

He unlocks the car door, it swings open with force, the cold air coming in with him.

Not a second later he is at my door, grabbing my by the upper arm while slamming the door shut behind me.

His boots echo against the floor, as he drags me inside the house.

I wimper against his strong hold. Tears prick my eyes.

I know I won't be able to escape from his reach.
When we reach the living room of the house he pulls the jacket off me and throws it on the floor.

Pointing at my shoes I take them off, my fingers shaking while untying the laces.

He doesn't move, nor removes his coat or shoes.

As I rise to my full height again I'm now even smaller than before.

Without another word, Aslanov reaches out and grabs me by the neck, his grip firm and unyielding. He pulls me to my feet and leads me out of the room, his steps purposeful and determined.

As we walk through the silent halls of the mansion, a sense of dread settles over me like a heavy blanket. I know that whatever awaits me on the other side of that door will be nothing short of a nightmare.

But as Aslanov pushes open the door and leads me into the darkness beyond, I steel myself for whatever fate may await me, knowing that I am powerless to escape the clutches of a man like Aslanov.

Aslanov leads me down a dimly lit corridor, the shadows seeming to dance around us like malevolent spirits. I can feel the weight of his gaze burning into my back, a constant reminder of the gravity of my transgression.

Finally, we reach a heavy wooden door at the end of the hallway. Aslanov pushes it open without hesitation, revealing a dimly lit room beyond. My heart pounds in my chest as I step inside, the air heavy with anticipation.

I swallow my own heart down.

It's his room. It's big and separated into three sections; a bedroom, an office and a luxurious black bathroom.

The click of the door behind me makes my back hairs stand up straight as it is followed by a locked sound.

He locked the door.

Suddenly the coldness of the tile floor rushes through my bare feet up to my bloodline.

I came here willingly and I have a feeling that nothing will stop this man from doing everything he pleases to me. His words linger in my head. - once you've chosen you can crawl, cry and beg all you want but nothing will stop me.

"I am so fucking done with your behavior."

"I'm so-"

His voice cuts me off immediately, "Quiet, you do not get to speak unless I grand you permission."

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