Chapter 68

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( A/n: Part 4 of Breakneck Bog, the events of the episode are going to be changed a bit just so you know. I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway! )

The HiveLing then placed Meryl down on the ground, and pointed a claw at her. The dragon riders were looking at him with pure confusion about what was happening.

Mysterious HiveLing: That is the last time you sneak out, young lady. Now... ( Looks at the riders ) Who are your friends?

Hiccup: ( walks to Meryl ) ( whispers to Meryl: ) Do you know this guy?

Meryl: ( whispers back: ) No, I have never seen or met a HiveLing in my life, I've only heard stories.

Onyx: ( to the HiveLing: ) Uh, sir? Hi, um, who are you exactly-

The HiveLing went up to Onyx and looked at the riders with a crazy look in his eyes and with a smile.

Buzz: Buzz. The name's Buzz. Short for Buzzminster, long for bu! And if my senses don't conceive me, You and Pumpkin here, are the only Scalewalkers here, while the rest of you are vikings that are friendly to dragons and Scalewalkers. ( Points a claw at Onyx ) You, young sir, are a NightStalker. Your tallness gave it away. Now... ( To the Viking teens: ) What are you doing here? Didn't Pumpkin tell you all how dangerous it is to be on this island when you're not a Scalewalker.

Hiccup: A chest from my mother was taken by the Fog Monster.

Buzz: Fog Monster? Oh, right, those little devils. Let me guess, it has some kind of crest on it, one that of a monstrous nightmare?

Hiccup: Yes.

Buzz: Oh, yeah, I saw the " Fog Monster " take off with it after I scared them off with my roar.

Meryl: That was you?

Buzz: Of course it was, Pumpkin. Didn't you recognize your own father's roar?

The Viking teens looked at Meryl in shock, while Meryl was confused, and Onyx sniffed the air and his eyes widened.

Meryl: Okay, sir, my name isn't " Pumpkin ", It's Meryl, and y-

Buzz: Oh, you've changed your name? Well, it's my duty as a father to support you.

Meryl: But you're not-

Onyx: ( to Buzz: ) Uh, can you help us find the Fog Monster and get the chest back?

Buzz: Sure, why not. But, first, we need to make a pit stop to my human body, dragon me isn't all that stealthy. ( Starts walking away ) ( to the teens: ) Come on, follow the Buzz.

The Dragons riders hesitantly followed Buzz to what looked like the remains of a village, most of the buildings were destroyed and looked like they had been that way for years. Buzz went into a hut that was missing a roof, and the riders followed him inside, and they saw that there were a bunch of lines on the unlit fireplace.

Onyx: ( whispers, to the group: ) Guys, this is a HiveLing village, and there's a bunch of dead scents here.

Buzz: ( is at the stairs ) ( to the teens: ) I'll be right back, kids. Pump- I mean, Meryl, don't go running off on me again.

Onyx: Um, sir, what are these lines on the fireplace.

Buzz: Oh, I made them to keep track on how long my mischievous daughter had been gone.

Onyx: And how long has she been gone for...?

Buzz: ( thinks ) Hm... Let's see, each line represents a month, and there's about 120 lines on the fireplace.... ( To the riders, with a smile: ) About ten weeks.

The dragon riders were in complete shock, as Buzz walked up the stairs. Meryl then noticed a painting of Buzz in his dragon form with a little girl with red hair and blue-ish purple eyes, the painting was of them flying in the sky with the little girl on his back.

Onyx: ( looks at the lines and does the math in his head ) Actually the lines here say that Buzz has been waiting for this " Pumpkin " for ten years.

Meryl: Um... Guys... I think I know why this guy thinks I'm his daughter...

The riders look at the painting.

Hiccup: She has the same hair color as Meryl...

Meryl: Onyx...

Onyx sniffed the air and his face saddens.

Onyx: There has only been two people living here, Buzz and a young female HiveLing.... Her scent is...-

Buzz: ( off-screen: ) Alright. Ready to go?

The riders turned around to see Buzz in his human body, he was a tall and muscular man, looked to be around the same age as Stoick and Gobber, with long black and yellow striped hair that was tied into a bun, tan skin, dark blue eyes, and was wearing a gray fur coat, brown pants, and dark leather boots, and he has holding a dagger.

Buzz: ( happily: ) Come on then, kids. Before it's too late, I know a short cut to where they're heading. Chop, chop.

Buzz then went outside, and everyone else followed him, while Meryl and Hiccup stayed behind.

Meryl: Hiccup...

Hiccup: I know, and I agree, we can't leave him here.

Meryl: It's a miracle that somewhat sane. HiveLings are the most social kind of Scalewalker, and from the looks of this village. There hasn't been anyone else but him in years... I don't even know if I should tell him that I'm not...

Hiccup: ( Holds Meryl's hand ) We'll figure something out.

Snotlout: ( from outside: ) Um, Hiccup! You might want to come see this!

Hiccup and Meryl went outside to see that Buzz was on a catapult, his hand on the lever, planning to launch himself. The other riders were looking at Buzz like he was crazy, while the twins were looking at him in amazement.

Meryl: ( to Buzz: ) What are you doing?!

Buzz: Using the shortcut. Follow where me to where I land.

Buzz then launched himself into the air before the riders could do or say to stop him.


The camera turns to Tuffnut, to show that he was about to go in the catapult, but he then lowers his head after Meryl told him not to, and he got on Barf and Belch with Ruffnut with a frown.

Tuffnut: But the bug Scalewalker got to do it.

Meryl: Because he's probably crazy. Now, let's go see if he's okay!


That's it for this chapter, I hope you like it

What do you think about Buzz the HiveLing Scalewalker so far?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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