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Chapter 21 The Intruder 2

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    Thirteenth looked at its master who was in a coma, and then at the man outside who looked very strong and smart. It felt that the master's vest was probably going to fall off this time. It decided on one thing, it had better pretend to be dead.

    Now there is no better result than pretending to be dead. When Jiang Li wakes up and knows that all her vests are gone, she is the one who is unlucky. After all, she didn’t notice the camera. The main reason is carelessness. I always feel that the end of the world is too long, and the cameras in other places are not turned on. I thought that there is no No. 13 here. At this time, I



    . The life of the owner should be safe.

    Jiang Yuheng took the camera and left. He went directly into the study, and soon the images from the camera were displayed on the computer. Although it was late at night and there was no light, this camera was specially made, and even in the dark, it couldn't stop it from shooting.     Then after the things in the treasure room disappeared, the woman also disappeared, and she hasn't come out until now. Jiang Yuheng's face has never stopped smiling. The space can enter people, which is very good and     powerful     .     Second, she exchanged her grandfather's collection for points, which can be exchanged for power awakening potions.     As for what the points are and what potions she can exchange for, these issues also need to be studied.     This woman holds so many secrets in Bao'er's body. Although he is not too greedy, he now wants to lock up this woman.     Jiang Yuheng was very excited. What is the power awakening potion? The name should not be too straightforward.

    Jiang Yuheng soon saw the picture of Jiang Li entering the treasure room. He found that the intruder's eyes were very bright. In such a dark night, her vision was not affected at all, and the camera captured it very clearly. In addition to being black in the camera, Jiang Li actually looks very delicate.

    Jiang Yuheng just watched his grandfather's collections disappear one by one, the most precious ones disappeared first, and the woman's mouth was full of points that were not enough, almost something.     That's right, at this moment, Jiang Yuheng has seen through Jiang Li's identity. The woman who let her enter the treasure room by herself did not hide her voice when she spoke. She shaved her hair bald in order to dress up as a man. She never thought that this vest would be stripped off by this man the first time he saw her.     And when the points were collected, Jiang Li said excitedly, "Finally, there is a power awakening potion." Jiang Yuheng smiled when he heard her words, the power awakening potion, this is a good thing! The point exchange potion also fell out.

    Before the end of the world, Jiang Yuheng belonged to the national supernatural team. The team he led were all supernatural beings, but the supernatural powers they possessed were somewhat different from those newly added after the doomsday.

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