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  Chapter 211 Conspiracy 2
  With the in-depth observation, Jiang Yuheng's face became more and more ugly, "Take out all the wolves, they must all be burned!" "

  What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Jiang Yuheng in surprise.

  "It took only half an hour to kill these wild wolves, but their internal organs have already rotted." Jiang Yuheng's tone was particularly heavy.

  He directly asked the earth-type supernatural beings to find an open space, and then made a huge earth pit. All the wild wolves were thrown into it. The fire-type supernatural powers burned these wild wolves to ashes, and the earth-type superhumans buried the soil.

  Jiang Yuheng pointed to the place where the leopards were, "Let's go, get rid of those leopards. They probably have antibodies on their bodies. Yuanyuan, this matter is beyond your ability to solve. If you know anyone above, you bring these leopard corpses to them." Now that one batch of leopards has appeared, there may be a second batch


  "Okay, brother-in-law, leave me a live one. I think it's better to study it alive." Yuanyuan thought about this matter, so she could only contact Liang Yuanxu, and this kind of matter was the scope of their solution.

  Jiang Yuheng quickly dealt with these leopards, but kept a little leopard and locked it directly in a cage.

  It's also thanks to Jiang Li's collection of many things, otherwise there is really no way to control the live leopard.

  They dealt with only two of the leopard corpses, and then handed over the live leopard to Yuanyuan. At this time, it was nearly two hours, and Jiang Li and the others had to leave.

  The group left after sending Yuanyuan home.

  When they got back to the boat, it was still a little dark outside, but it was already early morning, and some people who got up early had already made movements.

  When Shao Xiaogang and the others saw everyone coming back, they excitedly asked them for prey.

  Except for a rabbit brought out by Lu Ye, the others didn't hunt anything.

  Shao Xiaogang and the others were shocked, especially Lu Feng, who couldn't help but said in disappointment, "All of you are above level four, right? You didn't even hunt ordinary prey?" At this time, Lu Ye pulled his brother and said, "We hunted a group of wolves and a group of leopards, but they all burned in the end." "Uh? What happened?" Lu Feng's eyes

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