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  Chapter 451 A Predestined Person 13
  Di Xiao felt pain for Xipu when he looked at Xipu.

  Di Xiao continued to observe for a while. He felt that Xipu must have been injured and poisoned. He sighed, first gave him the Bright Potion, then the Blood Tonic Potion, then dug out all the carrion on his body, and then used the Healing Potion.

  During this period, Xi Xueer almost screamed, but she knew that it was Di Xiao who was saving her brother, so she didn't dare to say anything, but just watched nervously.

  It didn't take long for Xipu to wake up completely, and he stood up quickly, and he directly bowed to Di Xiao to thank him for saving his life.

  To know his situation, even the elders of the elves would ignore him. If it wasn't for Di Xiao, he might die directly.

  Speaking of which, the two brothers and sisters had a very miserable life in the elves. Their father was originally the patriarch of the elves, but he died in a battle. The entire elves suffered a heavy loss in that battle, but Xipu knew that their elves were betrayed that time, and the person who originally betrayed the elves had now become the patriarch of the elves.

  Xipu's injury this time was a masterpiece of that person, and it was he who did not allow the clan elders to treat Xipu.

  Speaking of which, although Xi Pu and Xi Xueer can fly and wood-type spells, they are not that powerful. After all, when their parents died, they were still young, otherwise they would not have been bullied by the clan.

  Di Xiao really felt sorry for them. At night, he ran to the bottom of the tree house with the brother and sister. Di Xiao gave the brother and sister a strength potion. When the brother and sister found that they could smash rocks with a swing of their fists, both of them were stunned.

  Di Xiao laughed. If they hadn't collapsed the tree house, he would have given it to them a long time ago.

  The two brothers and sisters are really grateful to Di Xiao. You must know that as long as they have strength, the two brothers and sisters can protect themselves.

  When the three of them were talking quietly in the dark corner, Di Xiao heard some movement not far away.

  Moreover, the movement was obviously aimed at them, and the three of them hid directly in the corner.

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