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Chapter 61 Unreserved 1

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    Mu Yize pulled Jiang Li into the lobby, Jiang Yuheng directly cleaned the sofa with the wind system, and let Jiang Li sit on the sofa.

    "Sit here and rest for a while." Jiang Yuheng was very considerate.

    "I really don't need to help them." Jiang Li looked at Jiang Yuheng seriously.     But except for Yu Fengchen, everyone else stood at the stairs, and then looked at the two of them with aggrieved eyes.     "What's wrong with all of you, you can be regarded as big men, who can show such a pretentious look?" Jiang Yuheng couldn't help but wanted to kick them.     Yu Fengchen sat on the sofa and said, "Captain, there is no need to question this, they are considered big men, right? They are big men in the first place." "Captain, what?" When Lu Ye spoke, he was still a little twitchy, and he didn't have the usual expression at all     .     "Captain, you said there will be one person." Tao Jie blinked hard.     "Captain, I don't think green anymore," Lu Feng said seriously.     "Little sister-in-law, give me a green tortoise shell, okay?" Qin Fang immediately begged Jiang Li.

    Shao Xiaogang also scratched his head and looked at Jiang Li aggrievedly, "Sister-in-law, we were wrong. We shouldn't dislike that backpack." "     Captain, sister-in-law, just give us one as a charity, okay     ?

    "     Everyone knows it in their hearts, but they won't say it. After all, this kind of thing still has to be kept secret.     Their team leader and sister-in-law didn't hide it from them, which made them very grateful, so they resolutely couldn't do anything to betray their sister-in-law.     But the captain said earlier that the sister-in-law planned to give them a green tortoise shell. Now they don't think they are ugly or unattractive. They want it eagerly. These elders looked at Jiang Li delicately one by one, which made Jiang Li feel creepy, and she couldn't help shivering     .     Jiang Li hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jiang Yuheng, "Captain, why don't I give it to them, they can collect some supplies during my upgrade period." Anyway, it's the end of the world, and no one would dislike having too many supplies.     Jiang Yuheng gave them a cold look, and then went directly outside. He took the bus away, and then went back to the lobby, and asked Fang Yu and Wang Shuang to seal the door with an earthen door, "Let's go, go to the second floor." After sealing the door, the first floor was still a little too dark     .     A group of people excitedly walked towards the second floor, all gearing up, they also want to have a storage backpack.     Yu Fengchen has also become anxious now, his captain has space, and it's quite big, no wonder he doesn't carry a green backpack anymore, he also wants a lot of space, what should I do? Yu Fengchen pinched himself at this moment, when did he become so     dissatisfied

    Tao Jie thought secretly as he went upstairs, from today on, no matter what ugly things the little sister-in-law brought out, he would be the first to snatch them, and he would never hold them back.

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