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Chapter 111

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    In fact, Mo Mo has always regarded this space as a refuge, and this is the first time she has discovered that this space can add friends and even buy things.

    The most important thing is that such a heaven-defying thing is really suitable for her.

    Jiang Li chuckled and said, "It's good that you're fine."     Mo Mo then sent an exclamation point, "Thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I would have been over

    .     "     "Extraordinary Lili's stall is open, come and buy if you need it."     As soon as the news was sent out, Jiang Li stared at her stall. She found that the things hanging on her stall were dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye.     The healing potion, minus one minus five minus ten minus three instantly becomes zero.     The same is true for the blood tonic potion, which is rapidly decreasing.     The same is true for the powerful potion, there are ten of them hanging, and it can be said that they were all snatched up in an instant.     At this time, there were still people urging, "Is there any potion that I haven't grabbed yet?" "     Yes, I'll get it right away." Jiang Li began to quickly stock up. Healing potion and blood potion each had 10,000 pieces, and Vigorous potion had 200 pots. It is said that this potion is enough for one person. Someone bought it for the family. Question." Jiang Li also hung up a hundred eye-catching     potions     .

    The star was used immediately, and it happened to be night on her side. After going out, she was excited to find that she could see it.

    You must know that the world she is in now is a world she has seen, and the body she is in now is a tragic cannon fodder, similar to that played in a Korean movie. Because she is an orphan and has night blindness, after being discovered by a man in the village, she was harmed. As the news spread, she was almost harmed by men in the entire village, and finally committed suicide.     When she entered this body, it happened to be when someone found out that she had night blindness, and luckily she had the space to escape the catastrophe. But now many people in the village knew that she had night blindness. She didn't sleep outside these few days, but she also noticed a lot of movement outside.     Xingyi told Jiang Li about her situation, and Jiang Li recommended her to buy a strong potion. With this thing, she picked up the man and threw him away.     Xingyi asked Jiang Li if she had any potions for night blindness because she saw the healing potions and blood-tonifying potions. Now that she heard what Jiang Li said, she immediately opened her stall, saw the powerful potions inside, and quickly bought two.     "Xingyi, one is enough."     "I have a good friend named Erni. She was bullied by her stepmother and younger siblings at home. It's time for Feng Shui to change." "Are you sure she's trustworthy?" "I've read     this     book several times. That girl is almost as sad as the original owner and has become a plaything for men in the whole village." In the book, she is a standard difficult sister.     "Do you have a lot of points? I still have     the power awakening potion here. I always feel that you should be stronger than others." "How many     ?     "     Five minutes later, "Lily, I'm all right, let's get the goods"

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