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Chapter 401

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69 Book Bar




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  The nipple on the left side is not sticky anymore, it looks a little sagging from the outside, and it really feels like the breast is falling down a little bit.   "Ah!" Little Lolita blushed with anger and screamed thickly, then picked up the schoolbag on the ground, clutched her chest and ran away!   Although she ran away out of embarrassment, the others didn't know the truth! Except for the waiter Fu Ning, he can no longer use words to describe Yu Fengchen, this Brother Gang is too rigid! He was so admired that he threw himself to the ground, when is this, and he still picks women?   However, looking at his appearance, a man looks so enchanting, it seems impossible for him to understand the difficulty of having few women in this world and the sadness of being a single dog, after all, even a woman wants to throw him down.   If he was a woman, he would be more than happy to post such a beautiful man!   At this time, Qin Fang leaned in front of Yu Fengchen, "Deputy group, why are you such a beast? You grabbed his breasts off." Yu Fengchen looked at Qin Fang with cold eyes, and Qin Fang slapped his own mouth, "Deputy group, I'm a bit numb to my mouth, I have to drink to sober up." "Do you want to lose consciousness in your brain?" Yu Fengchen looked at Qin Fang   threateningly   .

  "I don't want to!" Qin Fang ran for his life as soon as he finished speaking. Their deputy team had eaten explosives. He clearly saw that several beauties went to strike up a conversation with the deputy team. Why didn't any of them succeed?

  Qin Fang felt that these women were really a little too weak, it would be nice if there was a woman who was a little bit stronger.

  At this moment, a short-haired woman came in from the outside. This woman was well-dressed, and her appearance was considered to be above average. She sat down directly in front of the bar, and Fu Ning immediately leaned up to her, with a smile on her face, "Sister He, you are here!" "What's the matter?"


  If she hadn't been vigilant enough, she would have almost fallen into their trap. Speaking of which, she was the one who created the supernatural team she was in now, but now all the people in the team have voted for that pair of men and women, and they still want to plot against her today, which really makes her feel too disappointed.

  "Sister He is in trouble?" Fu Ning and Xiao He grew up together, but he admired Xiao He very much, because from childhood to adulthood, the children in their big courtyard, regardless of gender, lived under the shadow of Xiao He's fist.

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