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  Chapter 311 Store opening and auction 3
  , Chapter 311 Store opening and auction 3
  Jiang Li noticed this guy outside in the villa, and she directly asked Xiaofeng to bring him in.

  This man's name is Du Chen, and he is the second son of the deputy head of the base, Du. His elder brother is very healthy, and he even set up a mercenary regiment by himself, so he is too weak, and he is pampered by his family, so he is really the most famous weak second ancestor of the base.

  Jiang Li observed for a while, and found that this person's original innate disease had been cured by the healing potion, and his original appearance was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so she said, "You help us promote the Thunder Pavilion for a month, and I'll give you a potion of strength, how about that?" After all, this is a world where the strong are respected


  "Is what you said true?" This beautiful woman is the woman of the head of the Thunder Mercenary Group, so she must keep her word.

  "What did I lie to you for? But you have to keep this deal a secret from others. They don't know that we still have a potion of strength in our hands." Jiang Li raised her eyebrows.

  "Okay, deal!" Du Chen is very smart, how could he say it out, he needs a month to get the potion of strength, if someone finds out and comes to snatch it, he won't have his share.

  Du Chen went out, he had to do publicity, he had to perform well, and it was best to make that woman feel that he had performed well, so that he could give him the potion of strength in advance.

  In other words, he hasn't visited his brother's mercenary group for a long time.

  Du Chen ran out directly, and Xiaofeng looked at Jiang Li, "Sister-in-law, can he do it?" "Don't worry! He

  runs all over the street faster than distributing leaflets." Du Chen is a sick girl. He is very sick and beautiful. Now he looks like a sunny boy. Which girl wouldn't be tempted or pay attention?

  Jiang Li looked at Xiaofeng and said, "Xiaofeng, it's time for you to calm down and practice."

  Xiaofeng's mother has already entered the family area of ​​the space to live. Xiaofeng has lived a very relaxed life for the past two days. After her mother entered, Jiang Li gave his mother a horse. Now her mother follows the uncles and aunts in the yard to clean the garden every day, and she is very happy.

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