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Chapter 71 Mutant Cat 1

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    Seeing Jiang Yuheng's expression, Yu Fengchen was amused, "Captain, you have so many rotten peach blossoms, I feel sorry for my sister-in-law." "Fuck off, my

    woman, I need you to feel sorry for me." Jiang Yuheng couldn't help but want to kick him, but Yu Fengchen jumped up and left without giving him a chance.

    From a distance, Yu Fengchen could be heard saying, "Captain, it's time to leave the housekeeper every day."

    Jiang Yuheng let out a long breath, it was indeed time to leave the housekeeper, did he not show his power


    It's only been two days, and he can't take it anymore. Maybe he should ask Thirteen, if Lily can bring

    Jiang Yuheng to recount what happened today in the friend dialog box. He is very obedient and dare not hide anything.

    But he remembered that someone once said that no matter whether it was to his partner or his wife, he had to take the initiative to confess. If he had to wait until the other party found out, then the matter would be really big.

    And he didn't do anything, even if those women took the initiative, he didn't respond, didn't he? Even if he had a blind

    date with Yan Yu, but he refused at that time, didn't he? On the

    thirteenth, he saw Jiang Yuheng's comments again. In other words, other people also left messages, but the owner said that she would handle these messages by herself, so he didn't move, but Jiang Yuheng's comments were all reported to Jiang Li as soon as possible.

    Although Jiang Li was in a daze, she heard everything that No. 13 said to her.

    Jiang Li is depressed now, she hasn't returned to his territory yet, two jealous women have already appeared, one is Lin Ran and the other is Yan Yu.

    God, she is really not the kind of person who is jealous. The road to the capital is very lively.

    No. 13 seemed to know what she was thinking, "Master, why don't I read Gong Dou to you during this time?" Jiang Li couldn't speak now, or else she would have to scold No.     13. Did she want Jiang Yuheng to be the emperor

    ?     You know, she didn't talk about the partner before, not because she couldn't find it, but because she didn't find it.     No. 13 really took out Gongdou, and Jiang Li didn't know where he got it from.     In the following days, Jiang Li's mind was forced into a lot of Gongdou by No. 13, but the problem was that she was tired of these tricky things, and she was not the kind of person who had a lot of thoughts around her, so the more No. 13 read, the bigger her head became, and she scolded Jiang Yuheng even more in her heart.     Jiang Yuheng sneezed more than a dozen times that night. He felt that someone was scolding him. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of anyone who would scold him that night, and he was fine     .     On Lin Ran's side, it was because she had been locked up all the time, and on Yan Yu's side, she had already found a team and joined the team.     However, this night, Yan Yu discovered that although there were women in this team, those women were actually the playthings of the men in the team.     This made Yan Yu a little unbearable. Fortunately, because of her strength, no one touched her, but it also made her uncomfortable for a long time. She planned to find a new team as soon as the day dawned.     After all, she is not used to seeing these things, and staying in this team can easily make people misunderstand that she is also a plaything of these people.     Especially, she can't let Jiang Yuheng misunderstand, even if Jiang Yuheng has a girlfriend now, as long as he is not married, then she has a chance.     Besides, it is the end of the world, and many orders have collapsed. She doesn't mind being Jiang Yuheng's first woman, as long as she is the last.

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