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Chapter 31

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    Jiang Yuheng looked at Jiang Li's sleeping state, and moved his face closer to Jiang Li, but Jiang Li vaguely smelled the smell of roast chicken in his mouth, and muttered in disgust, "Brush your teeth, this roast chicken smells really strong, Yuanyuan, remember to put less seasoning on the roast chicken next time." Yuanyuan Jiang Yuheng



    "I don't want to just eat roast chicken, I want to eat, take out all the rice in the system for me." Jiang Yuheng asked directly, his little girl was in a daze, and he happened to be able to get a lot of things out.

    Jiang Li muttered, "There are so many requests. There is only this kind of rice in the system. You can eat it by yourself." Jiang Li

    threw a rice to Jiang Yuheng in his sleep, and Jiang Yuheng opened it. It was a rice with a few dishes.

    But it still smelled delicious, so Jiang Yuheng started to eat it directly. After he finished eating, he found that he was a little energetic now. This was caused by these meals. Jiang Yuheng's complexion changed a little


    He suddenly felt a little stressed, what to do, his little girl was full of treasures, it would be a big deal to just take one out, so many gathered together, he was under a lot of pressure! Jiang Yuheng walked out of the room directly, and then contacted his brothers in the corridor


    Right now, Yu Fengchen and the others are getting angry. They went out to collect supplies today. That Lin Ran said nicely that she knew the way and where there are supplies, but as soon as she went out and saw the zombies, the woman started screaming.

    If Yu Fengchen had said that Lin Ran was pretty at first, but now he was getting bored. If her screams hadn't attracted more and more zombies, their brothers wouldn't have been hurt.

    The brothers were all worried, but they knew very well that the vice-captain had the strongest ability now, and the vice-captain took Shao Xiaogang out to save him. If they all went, that woman would definitely have to go too. They were really worried that more of their brothers would fall into his or her hands.     In fact, Lin Ran is not such a hypocritical person at all. The reason why she is like this today is entirely because Jiang Yuheng dragged Jiang Li away, which made her unbearable. Why is she no worse than Jiang Li? Why does her male god choose her instead of Jiang Li?

    Lin Ran couldn't bear it, and then began to act hypocritically. She just wanted to take revenge, and she didn't know if it was right for her to take revenge. Anyway, when she saw that person was injured, she was actually a little excited.

    Jiang Li didn't know at all, just like this, Lin Ran was already a little blackened.

    Obviously she didn't provoke Lin Ran, and she sincerely regarded Lin Ran as a good sister, but it was a pity that Lin Ran was not worthy of her sincerity.

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