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  Chapter 321 Balance Space 8
  You must know that this was a wave of beasts just now, and there are too many wild beasts.

  And after these beasts ran past, there were really countless beasts that were trampled to death and injured.

  "It's really rich!" Jiang Li directly used her mental power to perform the corpse touching technique. The corpses on the ground disappeared, but a lot of things were left behind. However, some injured beasts were directly put away by Jiang Li, and they might be able to raise them.

  Jiang Li and Jiang Yuheng picked up all these things that fell on the ground.

  The two picked them all the way for almost two hours. Jiang Li herself felt a little unbelievable, "Brother Heng, isn't this a bit too fantasy? Why does it feel like something came out of nothing?" Jiang Yuheng smiled, "Actually, I feel normal now!" Is there anything more fantasy than her little girl's trading



  Is there anything more magical than main spaces and subspaces?

  So, apart from his own little girl, Fifth Younger Sister also has the ability to touch corpses, so Jiang Yuheng doesn't think it's surprising at all.

  The two of them have stayed here for a long time. Because Jiang Yuheng wanted Jiang Li to go shopping with the gold coin card, the two of them flew directly to the nearest big city.

  The style of clothes here is not bad, Jiang Li bought some directly, woman, although there are team clothes to wear, but she still likes all kinds of beautiful clothes.

  And there are fifth sisters, who occasionally want to wear beautiful clothes.

  Anyway, now is the end of the world, as long as there are clothes to wear, there are no taboos. You must know that some people even wear shrouds, but no one will say anything, because the end of the world is like this. Clothes are less and less, and wearing shrouds has a deterrent effect. Generally, no one wants to impress people who wear shrouds.

  After all, people are poor enough to wear shrouds, so what can you grab?
  Although it was already evening, the whole city was brightly lit. The lights here were similar to energy lights. The light was very bright, and the street was illuminated as if it were daytime.

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