Chapter Two

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He understood immediately that I was confused by my flustered face. He stood up and led me to a room. It had plain baby blue wallpaper. At the farthest end of the room was a board pinned with lots of pictures. 'Secret Mission' was the title. He explained everything in detail and I was very intrigued by it. I felt ready to tackle this challenge. But really was I?

That night, I face timed my best friend Cora. She is just the best cause she always gives me the best advice. So what exactly was this 'Secret Mission'? Well...

The Kingdom of Azov was a powerful kingdom in the early nineteenth century. Its powerful army remained undefeated for many years and its security was top-notch as it had walls that were at least 10 feet tall. But inside those walls were some dark secrets that I was going to find out. Little did I know the impact it would have on me.

"So you're telling me that they're sending you to THE Kingdom of Azov to dig up some dirt?" Cora asked, with a tinge of excitement in her voice.

"Yeah, basically," I answered with no enthusiasm, not understanding the reason for excitement at all. "Cora, is there something you know that I need to know?" I asked, not sure what to expect.

"Well, you know I've done some googling on the place and it seems cool and also..."

"Also what?"

"The view is to die for...."

"That's not it there's something else,"

"The prince is really, like really hot!"

Typical Cora. Reads all the latest tabloids and always knows the latest news or the newest fashion and is a big shopaholic. I always wonder how we became friends because I'm more chill and rarely check up on social media. But she's been my best friend since I joined the ISI, she works as a research manager and she's really fast on her fingers with information.

A distraction from my past life, trying to bury it six feet under. It's like my past keeps haunting me trying to pull me back to my suffering. But no I'd found my happy place here in Canada.

"Really Cora, you have got to stop turning your head to every boy you see," I said, giggling a little.

"Anyways, how's Adam?" she asks.

Adam is my loving boyfriend who also happens to work at ISI. Coincidence? Maybe. Adam is the Head of Agents and has been for quite a while. He's always been a ladies' man but I guess he saw something different about me and I saw something different about him. He was quite the romantic not to mention how good of a cook he is. He's ever taking me out for candle-lit dinners under the cool moonlight. I enjoyed those thoroughly as I was a simple girl. Food and quality time are my love languages.

He's really cute. His eyes are an azure blue which makes me jump inside every time he looks at me. His long, brown, messy, curly hair is surprisingly soft and I love running my hands through it. Honestly, I don't know how I landed him. I haven't had the best luck with relationships in the past.

It happened when left, how could they break me like that? No, stop thinking about it.

"He's doing fine," I answer, blushing just thinking about him.

"Ooooh, someone's blushing," said Cora.

"Stop it, how's it going with you and Julian?" I ask teasingly.

"You know we're just friends, Meg." she answers, clearly blushing.

"Then why are you turning as red as a tomato?"

"Let's change the subject, so are going to take up the job?" she asks.

"Yeah, I guess," I answer.

"Not because of that prince I hope," she says jokingly.

"Goodnight Cora, love ya," I say, chuckling, and blow her a kiss through the screen.

"You know I'm right and love you too" she responds, grinning from ear to ear.

I sigh. I was lucky to have a friend like Cora. But seriously speaking this job could honestly change my whole life. Could give me a whole promotion but if I fail and get caught I could get fired so there's a lot of risk running on this. Just then my phone rang. It was Adam.

"Hey," I answer, not so enthusiastically.

"You ok? Cause you don't sound so happy to hear from me," he asks, a tone of worry in his voice.

"I'm alright, I'm just a little tired and I got a big decision to make concerning my career."

"What do you mean?"

I explained everything to him and he listens attentively. Did I mention he's also a very good listener? He makes you feel like you're all that matters. I loved that about him. But I didn't mention anything about the prince. He gets jealous pretty fast so I didn't want to provoke his jealous side.

"So what should I do?" I asked, after finishing my long narration.

"You should do what YOU feel is right, nothing else."

"Thanks a lot, love you."

"Love you too"

I switched the phone off and after a refreshing shower, I finally went to sleep. Didn't really have an appetite.

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