Chapter Three

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The next morning, I woke up to the sunlight trying to pass the curtains into my apartment. I sleepily grabbed my phone to check the time. Oh shoot! I was late for work! I hurriedly dressed into a cute burnt orange top with jeans. I left my hair in a bun. I decided to grab a coffee on the way to work at my favorite coffee shop, Hot Brew. I checked the time again and to my surprise, it was half past seven! Work starts at half past eight so I wasn't in a hurry. I decided to walk instead of ordering an Uber cause my car was still in repair.

I inhaled the fresh air. The smell of the bakeries making fresh loaves of baguettes and croissants was in the air. I couldn't help going to buy one just to take with my coffee. I let out a sigh, as I sipped my macchiato.

I moved to Québec, Canada, not very long ago and I was loving it here. The weather is amazing, the people are affable, and it's generally a nice experience. I don't regret moving from Dallas, Texas. I was just looking for job opportunities and I landed three milestones at a time. A job, a best friend, and a hot boyfriend. What more could I want?

A break from these tormenting thoughts would be nice. Can't I just forget everything?

I arrived at work in time and bumped into Adam as I was going to Andres's office, lost in my thoughts.

"Hey you," he says, towering over me.

"Hey," I say, looking up. He gives me a kiss.

"So you made your decision?" he inquires.

"Yep, I have thought about it and I think it's best if I do take it," I answered, feeling good about my decision.

He hugs me and I feel wonderful in his tight embrace.

"I'm happy for you. Anyway, I must get going today is a very busy day. Should we do dinner tonight at my place?"

"Yes, I hope you're cooking 'cause you're quite the chef," I say.

He laughs. "Sure, see you tonight."

We part to go different ways. I quickly rush to Andres's office and find him chatting with someone else. He beckons me to come in.

"Hi Meghan, this is Mr. Rajesh, the new associate manager."

I shake his hand. 

Wow! He's got a tight grip.

"I'm Meghan Carson and welcome to ISI!" I say putting on my best smile, as I don't want to make a bad impression.

"Rajesh Koothrapali, thank you," he said, with an American accent which I was honestly surprised. 

"I look forward to working with you." he continued, still shaking my hand. I drew my hand back still smiling.

"I must be on my way; I have a tour to get to. Nice to meet you, Meghan was it?"

"Yes, it is."

He picked up his black, leather briefcase and left, taking large strides.

Andres picked some papers out of his drawer and handed them to me.

"Those are the papers you'll need to travel. As you can see your new name is Brianna Cooper and here are any necessary certificates."

Wow, these guys are good. I mean I already know that it's just that I can't understand how they get these done in record time.

"Thanks. So what's the plan?" I asked eagerly.

"So first you'll have to nail an interview for the princess' PA as in personal assistant."

"What?" I said, surprised.

"You're smart and organized, you'd be a perfect shoo-in!" he exclaimed.

"I guess so."

"After you will make the job you'll keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious behavior. To help you we found another open job in the palace and planted another guy. The perfect guy for the job was Adam."

"Adam? Like Adam Hill?" I asked, surprised for the second time this morning.

"That's Blake Adams to you" he answered.

This just keeps getting better. First I'm to be the prince's personal assistant and then my boyfriend is on the job too? I feel my luck is going to run out at this rate.

At that moment, Adam walked in and sat down beside me in the opposite armchair.

"You knew about this didn't you?" I asked him.

"Actually, no. I got the news this morning," he responded.

"Thanks, Mr. Hill for coming," said Andres, handing him some papers which happened to be the same certificates and stuff.

"You shall leave in three days' time in order to acclimatize as the weather there is different compared to the warm summer here so make sure to carry warm clothes" Andres advised us.

"Shall I go over the plan again for Mr. Hill's sake?" asked Andres.

We both nodded affirmatively.

By the time we left the office, the sun was setting which left a beautiful shade of orange in the sky and as we drove to Adam's place, we gazed awestruck. It was four minutes to six p.m. I was ravenous and couldn't wait for Adam's cooking.

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