Chapter Eighteen

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" still here?" A voice said in the background of my thoughts snapping me back to reality. It was Taylor, looking at me, worry written all over her face.

I had zoned out. Fucking hell, my palms were sweaty reliving that whole experience in my head that I had buried deep inside.

"Yes, I'm okay, just thoughts." I said in a brushing off manner.

"Oh. Care to share?" She asked in such a sweet way, I didn't want to say no...but my past remains my past, it should not affect my present.

"It's nothing, really." I tried to assure her

"Then why aren't you eating? I know for a fact that spaghetti bolognese is your favorite but you've barely touched your food, what's wrong?" She asked, taking my hand from across the table.

I opened my mouth ready to say something but the words couldn't come out. There's so much in my past I wanted to get rid of, but couldn't. Instead of saying anything, I broke down into tears. Not just a trickle here and there, full on bawling. Taylor stood up and walked towards me and helped me stand up and held me in her tight embrace until I stopped crying. I looked up at her with a tear stricken face and she looked down at me, her soft eyes comforting me.

"You better?" She asked, maintaining eye contact with me.

"Yes." I said, leaning on her chest and we just stood there for a while. Just silence ringing in our ears.

" To get your mind of shit, would you let me have this dance?" She said, her chest vibrating with every word she spoke.

"But there's no music." I said, a soft smile creeping up on my face.

"Who said?" She asked as she walked to one of the corners and brought out a retro boom box.

They still make those? Sweet!

I laughed as she input the tape. I was more than curious to find out what song she was going to play.

Wise men say.....only fool rush in....

"Fuck, I love this song!" I exclaimed, giggling with excitement.

"May I have this dance?" Her handsomeness asked, her hand out ready to interlock with mine.

I gave her the answer she needed by taking her hand, placing my hands on her shoulders, her hands placed on my waist. We then slow danced in the moonlight. Corny, right? As I looked into her warm eyes, I finally felt safe where I could trust someone.


I tried to shake off the feeling.

Let me enjoy the moment for once, without my thoughts being a fucking pain in the ass.

Juggling these thoughts in my head, I needed a break. And what better to do that than...I crashed my lips into hers. Severe butterflies flew vigorously in my tummy making it turn. It was slow and sensual, I wanted it to last. Her soft lips on mine felt...right.

"What the fuck is going on here?" A voice boomed in the distance.

Turning my head to face the interruption sent my head spiraling. It was Alexander.

FUCK! Why do I get myself into this shit?

"I said, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Alexander shouted, making his way and dragging his sister off me.

"She's MINE, you cunt." Alexander spat out, his eyes bloodshot red.

Punches are about to be thrown.




I couldn't watch it. I scurried out of there, tears threatening to flow. I ran to my room,locked the door and sank into the floor, burying my head in my hands.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice inquired.

Must have entered the wrong room in my haste.

I looked up to see a shirtless Austin, stretching out a hand to help me up. I took his hand and standing up, I pulled him into a tight hug.

"'s okay." He assured me, returning the tight hug.

I fell limp in his arms as I told him everything about my past and how it is affecting my present.

"I'll say this again, you might not want to hear it but you need to, you need to sort your shit out. I'm not saying that your feelings are not valid, I'm saying that you need to sort out these feelings and keep the ones worthwhile. You came here for one reason and I know the heart has a mind of its own but we need to control it. If we don't, it takes over us until we have no power left." He said, gently rubbing my back and all I could respond with was a nod.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I asked him, putting on the sweetest face I could.

"Of course, wanna cuddle?" He asked, getting into the bed.

"Fuck yes." I answered, practically jumping into bed, eager to be the little spoon.

I felt safe and at peace with Austin's strong arms around me. After thoughts running through my head at 100 mph, I finally drifted off to sleep.


New morning. New train of thought. New me. I don't have time for whatever bullshit has been going on. I, Meghan Carson, have a duty to fulfill and NOTHING will get in the way of that. Back to full focus on the mission.

I rushed to my room and took a refreshing shower, wore my best outfit paired with a natural make-up look. I looked stunning and I felt it. I strutted to my office after breakfast, filled with new drive. I got set to work but was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in." I answered, not taking my eyes off the monitor.

"Hey." I look up to see Taylor looking hot as ever in her outfit.

No dirty thoughts, please.

"Yes, your majesty?" I asked, glancing her way.

"About yester-"

"About that, whatever is going on between us needs to stop, immediately. I'm only your PA, nothing more. Clear?" I asked, arching my eyebrow while looking her dead in the eye.

"Understood." She said, hurt flashing across her face.

Trust me Taylor. This is hard for me too...

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