Chapter Four

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 Soon we reached his apartment which is quite a place. It was a 5 story building with windows as blue as the sea which reflected the sun's last rays. The apartment is pretty spacious with a wonderful open kitchen, which I love for some reason.

"What do you want for dinner, sugar?" he asked

"Your specialty, mac and cheese," I answer, smiling.

I know it sounds weird but Adam makes the best mac and cheese. He puts the right amount of cheese making it stretchy and gooey enough.

"I knew you'd say that," he said, putting on an apron, which for the record looks nice on him.

After like 30 mins, it was done and we cuddled on the couch to eat as we put a movie. A rom-com actually. Adam may look like a bad boy but he's got his soft side which I like to think I unlocked. The mood was chill cause I mean it's Netflix and chill for a reason.

 But deep inside I had a problem, a big one.

"I think I don't like Adam anymore," I said to Cora that night after Adam had dropped me earlier after dinner.

"What? But...but you guys are like total couple goals, like where's this coming from?"

"Lately I just haven't been feeling any spark and I don't know what to do," I said as I sighed. "But then again part of me doesn't want to let go, I'm just confused and...and"

Just the same I didn't want to let go of them, it hurt so bad. It was like history repeating itself.

I couldn't take it anymore. I broke into tears which I had been holding back for a while. Cora was so comforting.

"Should I break up with him?" I asked, lifting my tear-stricken face.

"Ummm... I... I don't know. Do you think you should? It is your decision"

"Maybe I shouldn't cause it would make the assignment more difficult than it already is."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you. So Adam also got assigned for the Azov kingdom mission."

"What? That's great... I think, question mark?"

"Yeah, it is I guess. Anyway, I should probably get to bed so talk to you tomorrow?" I said, now really tired.

"Cool. Goodnight."


The next morning, I feel groggy and I drag myself out of bed. I don't want to go to work at all.

Should I call in sick?

No, I have to set some things straight with Adam. The earlier I do it the better. Just then I got a call from the repairer telling me my car is ready. I check my wristwatch. I still have some time. It's a five-minute walk so I got on with it.

"I changed the brand of engine oil as it was doing more harm to your car than good," the mechanic,  Bruce, said. I smiled.

"Thanks, you'll send me the bill ok? Need to get going." I said, jumping into the car and I was off.

"Adam, can we talk?" I asked him, after settling in his office.

"Yeah, sure. What do you need?" he said, with a chill tone, looking at his phone, smiling.

"So...." Just then Adam's assistant came in with an urgent matter.

"Catch you at lunch, sugar," he said as he kissed me on the forehead and left.


Time dragged along and hours felt like years but finally, lunchtime came. In my hectic rush, I bumped into someone and fell.

"I'm so sorry, it's my fault and I'm just in a rush......" I began my apologetic rambles.

"It's fine." a deep yet soothing voice assured me.

I looked up to see a tall guy with stunning green emerald eyes. He stretched his hand out to me to help me up.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"Wait you're Meghan Carson from the agent department right?"

"Yep, and you're Austin Ames from, was it communications?"

"That's me, alright. So I'll see you around?" he asked, grinning.

"Sure, I got to get going," I said as I scurried off.

At the lunch hall, I saw Adam waving to me to come to sit with him. I walk up to him and sit beside him.

"So did you want to talk about something?" he asks.

I gulp hard. I gave this issue much thought earlier and think it's best not to bring social problems into a workspace.

"It's nothing," I answered.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"So my bro's hosting a party tonight and it's going to be lit! Want to come with?"

"Nah, I'm good. I haven't been feeling so well." I lied. The truth is that before I've made up my mind I need to take some time for myself.

"Ok then, see you later," he said, as he left.

That night, I sat on the couch with a tub of ice cream and was about to start binge-watching some Netflix when my phone vibrated. It was Cora.

Where are you? I'm outside your apartment.

It was almost 8 pm and I looked outside my window to see Cora under a streetlight beside her car.

What is it? I asked.

I'm taking you out for a party to get your mind off things. You'll thank me later. Get dressed and do hurry up.

I quickly wash my face and do some quick make-up, not too much. I pick out a cute dress and get going.

"You looking good. Come on we don't want to be late." Cora said, holding my hand tightly.

I smiled. Cora always knew how to make me feel better.

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