Chapter Nine

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"The princess wishes to see you," said the butler, standing by the door frame.

"Alright. I'll be right there," I said with a little hitch in my voice.

I was really nervous to go 'cause I didn't want a repeat of last time. So I walked ever so slowly before I reached her office and as I mustered the courage to knock on the door, it already opened, and one of the maids came out giggling. I wonder what that was about. Trembling like shit, I walked in, the princess on a call with someone who seemed to be pissing her off.

"I said I want all the documents by Thursday, if not you're fired," she shouted, swinging in her office chair while I stood there and watched. 

Once she cut the call, she swiveled and then faced me. She gestured toward the seat in front of her desk as I looked down, scared to meet her gaze. She had on black cargo pants, a ripped T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. I swore she looked even more stunning with her ginger hair down. She smirked at me and I swear my panties got wet.

"Are you done checking me out?" she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.

I didn't answer and kept looking down but I felt her eyes on me. She came closer and lifted my chin up, her ocean-blue eyes meeting my hazel-brown ones. 

"I appreciate being looked at when talking to me. Okay, sweet little?"

That nickname alone was enough to make my hormones go berserk but I held it down.

"So, Brianna, being the perfectionist I am, I want my work done diligently and accurately, is that clear?" she asked, a husky tone lacing her voice.

I nodded, my eyes wandering the room to look anywhere but at her.

"You may go, NOW!" she ordered as I scurried out of the room, my heart beating so fast it threatened to break my rib cage.

Returning to my office, I sank into my chair and let out a big sigh, not knowing what to do. While rummaging through the files, a voice cleared behind me.

"Who the fuck are you?" the deep voice asked, his words a bit slurry.

"I'm the Princesses' PA, Brianna," I said as I turned around to be met with those emerald green eyes, it was the prince, and boy was he a pretty boy. His brown curls match his light brown complexion. His pink lips and a  white set of teeth. Just beautiful.

Where was I when God was making people beautiful, like seriously?

" I'm Alexander, the prince of Azov," he said, his slurry words pouring out.

I could tell he had been drinking due his bloodshot eyes, so much for a playboy party animal. Then before I knew what was happening, he pinned me against the wall, his face inches away from mine. 

"So beautiful, tell me a little about yourself," his pungent smell of breath blowing in my face.

"Let go of me, you're hurting me!"

I was really uncomfortable and tried to squiggle away from his grip but failed miserably. He moved forward to make an attempt to kiss me which I dodged. Just then Taylor walked into the room, more like burst into the room, and roughly pulled her brother off of me. 

"What do you think you're doing Alex? Stop being such a bitch and sober up!" she said, grabbing him by the collar.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I will be."

"Good, now go back to work" she said in a dry husky tone.

What?? I guess being a jerk runs in the family.

I continued with my boring ass job for a few hours; my mind reeling to the recent occurrence with the prince. Then suddenly my phone rang snapping me back to reality. It was Austin.

"Hey Austin. How's the going?"

"Well for starters I almost got into a food fight with the chef. She's quite friendly." I laughed so hard just thinking about it.

"Any clues or suspicious behavior?" I asked eagerly, hoping for a breakthrough.

"I'm afraid not. But, I'll keep on being observant. How are you?"

I told him everything that had happened and he sympathized with me.

"I'm sorry, are you okay now?"

"Yeah never been better." I lied

I immediately called Cora after I cut the call with Austin.

Went straight to voice mail, just great.

Hey Cora, please pick up, it's somewhat important and no, I'm not dying.

I sighed and went back to my work until dusk. But as I always did, I rushed to the rooftop to watch the sunset. The last of the sun's rays adorning the sky in a hue of orange. I stared in awe at how beautiful it was. But the last person I wanted to run into, Taylor, was on the rooftop too. We sat in silence as we watched it slowly sink into the horizon and twilight approaching fast. Finally she broke the eerie silence that had settled upon us.

"So where are you from?" she asked.

I quickly remembered my cover story which I had memorised to heart.

"Born and raised in Azov."

"Really? How come I haven't come across a pretty lady like you before?" she asked, taking a long puff from her cigarette.

I felt myself getting hot at the compliment.

And that was enough to break the ice between us. We chatted for hours, more like they passed by in a haze. She shared with me her love for astronomy which is one of my favorite things to study in my free time. I didn't know what these feelings were towards her but I was more than ready to explore this side of myself.

Wait no! I'm very straight and still nursing my broken heart.

But it doesn't hurt to get to know myself, right?

No! Get it out of your head, remember what happened last time?

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