Chapter Fifteen

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After that thrilling morning session, I rushed to my room and took a shower, though hesitant at first as I didn't want to wash her touch off me. I put on a black polo neck with black pants, my hair in a tight bun. I entered my office startled to find Alexander there.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked politely, a bit confused on why he'd be here.

"I can't visit my baby girl now?"

I was quite taken aback by the nickname, reminding me of what Taylor and I did causing my cheeks to turn red with embarrassment. Alexander must have taken it as my reaction to the nickname and closed the distance between us. He locked the door and cupped my face, his lips pressed against mine. I was shocked at first then I eased myself into the kiss.

Why was I not feeling anything?

I felt guilty kissing him knowing I had just fucked his sister. I gently pushed him away as I didn't know what else to do.

"What is it?" He asked, slightly concerned.

"Nothing. Just not in the mood." I lied, guilt weighing on me like shit.

I sat in my chair and began my work for the day, though I could feel his eyes staring down at me. I couldn't meet his emerald green gaze not after what I did to him. I should tell him that we should break off whatever the hell we had as anyways he's royalty and I'm just a commoner.

"Come on, tell me what's wrong." He pestered.

"It's nothing, and I'll ask that you kindly leave, I have a lot of work to do," I said, even shocked at my own boldness.

He turned from the sweet, caring guy to the assertive, wants his-way guy I met the first time we interacted.

"Even though you don't work for me, I am still to be respected." He said, his hand on my collar almost pulling me out of my chair, his eyes burning with rage.

"You know what, whatever you and I had is over! I've realized you're just a worthless twat." He spat out, tightening his grip, affecting my breathing. 

Just then Taylor came into the room, dragging the prince off me (for a second time), and gave him a hot slap.

"Why do you always have to be such a dickhead, Alex? Try being civilized for once." She said, grabbing him by the collar.

He tried to fight back but Taylor was too quick for him. Dodging his punches, she pushed his ass out the door and locked it. 

"Are you ok?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah, I guess." 

"Your neck is a bit purple, did he strangle you? That asshole!" She spat out, clearly fuming.

"I'm ok, he just held my collar real tight. I'll be fine." I assured her.

She then came closer to me our faces so close.

"So you guys were a quote-and-quote thing?" She asked, her minty fresh breath fanning against my breath.

"Well, not really. I liked him at first but then someone else caught my attention." I said, a smirk playing on my lips.

I swear she blushed for a split second then she cleared her throat and straightened herself. She was wearing a grey T-shirt and ragged black pants. Her hair was down and her wearing glasses made her look even hotter.

"Done checking me out sweet little?" She asked and now it was my turn to blush, hard.

"Uh... I w-was-wasn't" I managed to stutter out. 

Goddamnit, what was she doing to me?

"Sure you weren't." She said, gave me a peck on my cheek, and left.

Damn! This woman knows that she has a grip on me. Ain't no way what I feel for her is just an infatuation. It's too intense. She's always in my mind, in my dreams, and every time she's around me, I stutter and my hands get clammy, my cheeks get hot and turn red.  Holy shit! I'm falling for her so hard! I'm

I was continuing with my work trying to not think about Taylor when Austin called.

"I just hit the jackpot of all clues! Meet me at the same spot at 9 p.m." He briefly said then cut the call.

I was eager to have a clearer breakthrough with this case before Andres starts asking for updates. I really need to sort out my feelings before they get in the way of work. If I fail this mission or my identity is revealed before the case is solved, it warrants immediate suspension from missions or from the company altogether and I couldn't risk it. I needed to tell Taylor that whatever is happening between us needed to stop. But what reason would I give?

Some hours later, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." 

Austin stepped in with some coffee, caramel macchiatos to be specific, my favorite.

"You remembered. Thank you." I said when I took a sip of my drink, a smile creeping up on my lips.

"Of course. Anytime." He said flashing a cute smile my way.

"Anyways, I'm a bit occupied at 9 p.m. so I figured that I could come right now if that's okay with you?"

"What could be so important that you had to cancel work?" I asked teasingly."

"I have a Facetime date with Spencer, he's very important." He answered pretending to be offended.

"Aww, that's cute. You really love him, don't you?" 

"Yes I do, he's the love of my life, I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

I sort of feel the same way with Taylor. I know I just met her a few weeks ago but she's really grown on me. The way my body goes hot when she touches me and how I always want to feel her lips on mine. When she whispers in my ear, it sends chills down my spine. Her laugh is like music to my ears and when she smiles, it lights up her whole face, not to mention her pretty pronounced dimples. It then hit me. I'm so in love with Taylor.

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