Chapter Sixteen

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"Hello, Earth to Meghan?" Austin said, pulling me out of my many thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was thinking about something." I replied, my cheeks getting red.

"Clearly. Anyway, I think we have another clue on the case. I did some research on this party animal of a prince and found some interesting things." He said, turning his laptop to face me.

Before me was an article with a picture of Alexander walking beside some lady, who I could barely see due to the dark background but her features looked oddly familiar.

"This article was posted on some private website and taken down almost immediately. But its contents are what makes this more intriguing."

I skimmed through the contents, my eyes widening with shock as I read it. Turns out the woman he was walking with, was a part of that mafia gang I had researched about before.

This is a lead we had locked in. The prince had ties with a mafia gang. But for what? What was his main agenda? From then on, I had to keep close tabs on the prince and watch his every move, at all costs. This meant I had to get close to the prince, whatever it took, which left me with no choice but to have to hook up with his highness in some way or another, to gain his trust.

"Hey Austin, do you have any ideas on how to dig up dirt, preferably from the prince himself?" I asked, hoping for another solution.

"I think we both have the same thought in mind, Meghan, and you know it's one of the best options we got. You're more capable of getting closer to the prince with your charm between the both of us." He said.

"But I'm kind of in his bad books now," I said, letting out a sigh.

"What do you mean, Meg?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, eyeing me in confusion.

"Uh...." I laughed nervously.

How the actual fuck do I say  I had a 'fling' with the fucking prince? I mean we didn't fuck but still...

I buried my head in my hands as Austin came around the table and placed his hand on my back.

"Meg, you okay?" He asked and I looked up at him, hesitating to answer his question.

"I sorta had a quote on quote fling with the prince?" I blurted out, Austin's eyes widening with shock.

"I'm sorry, HWHAT??? And you were planning to tell me this when???" He said, his hand on his chest, offended.

I ended up telling him my whole encounter with the prince.

"Honestly, I didn't want to tell anyone before I knew what the fuck I was feeling. And now that we are confessing shit, I also have fucked the princess, twice." I said, weirdly slipping off my tongue like the most casual thing ever.

"HWHAT?!?!? Bitch, you can't be leaving me in the dark like this! Prince AND princess? Gurl, you sure are...what's the word? FUCKING say the least!" He practically screamed.

"Don't flatter me, Austin." I said, laughing at his reaction.

"I'm not! But I'll say this, don't let your emotional shit get in the way of your work. You know why we came here, right?" He asked.

"Yes I do but-"

"That's all I want to know, just keep a sane head through this mission, and yes that's a polite way of saying get your shit together." He said, looking down at me with soft eyes.

I sighed.

"Alright, I will try my best." I said, flashing a smile his way.

"Good. Now let's get back to the situation at hand. How the fuck are we going to track the prince now?" He asked, twisting the ring on his middle finger, looking deep in thought.

"I don't fucking kn-"

"That's it! You have to win him back!" Austin exclaimed.

"Uh...I don't know about that, he's the last person I want to fuck around with right now." I said, remembering the day he pretty much told me to fuck off.

"I know babes but as a spy, your mission comes first, you must do whatever it takes in order to aid your mission, you of all people know that. But sleep on it, but for now you're the best bet we've got, unless you got something better?" He said, making his grand exit out of my office, closing the door behind him.

Silence engulfed the room. It was just me and my pool of thoughts that I would soon drown in. I wanted to follow through with Austin's plan but on the other hand with the predicament I'm in with Taylor proved to make the situation difficult. That's because if Taylor found about me and Alexander, how the fuck would I explain myself? I do not readily admit this but...I think I'm falling for Taylor. I hate how she's fucking with my mind like this. 

I look at the time, it being 6:18 pm. I decided it's probably time to return to my room. As I leave the office, I notice the sun setting through the window and God, did it look gorgeous. I decided to go to the rooftop and snap a few pics. I locked my office door and made my way to the rooftop. Instead of being met with a bare space, I see a table set up with some food on a silky looking tablecloth. There are rose petals leading towards the table and wine glasses paired with a bottle of wine.

Oh. This is quite fancy. Am I interrupting something? But there's no one around...lemme take a look around. 

I go to the table to inspect the contents. To my surprise, it happened to be my favourite dish, spaghetti bolognese.

I wonder who else likes spaghetti bolognese? Maybe I might befriend them, go out for lunch with them cause I know there's a restaurant nearby that serves a mean platter, half the price!

"I see you've ruined my surprise." A familiar voice said behind me.

I turned around to be met with those warm blue eyes looking at me, a smirk on her face. I stared in awe how gorgeous she looked in that suit and I was barely dressed. I mean I was dressed but not good enough for a date. She gently took my hands and stared into my eyes, not looking away for even a second. I felt my face getting hot as looking at her up close, I took in her beauty but my eyes kept going to her lips and back to her eyes and down to her lips again. 

Just fucking kiss her already!

I trust you, Brianna.

I trust you.

Trust you.

I quickly pulled away and walked towards the table, my heart thumping in my chest.

That shit is haunting me like crazy. 

I wanna get rid of these thoughts in my head, but how?

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