Chapter Eleven

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It was 7:58 pm and I was waiting for the prince in the gorgeous palace gardens. I had worn an off-shoulder scarlet red dress that hugged my body in all the right places. I had left my hair down with some curls: some wine red lipstick to match my dress. Did I overdress? Nah. Just then a limousine arrived.

I was to ride in a limo??? Sweet!

The chauffeur came out and opened the door for me, Alexander already inside.

"You look stunning tonight."

"Thank you, and you clean up nicely too."

He brushed a strand of hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ear. Something inside me was screaming, KISS HIM!

Nah, don't do it


I listened to it making me smile sheepishly and backed away from him.

I made small talk here and there but he was glued to his phone. Royal duties I presumed. So I just stared out the window the whole ride. The kingdom looked beautiful at night under the light of the full moon.

Once we arrived, my jaw dropped. The restaurant was buzzing with activity, its homey interior striking a chord with my heartstrings.

"This place is beautiful!" I told him.

"The best for a pretty girl." I blushed when he said that.

Once we sat down and ordered, we talked for a while. Sorry, let me rephrase that. He did more of the talking than anything else. 

"I just feel so pressured to have so many responsibilities and be like Dad," he said

"I get how it feels to feel like a piece of shit."

The thoughts came rushing back, the months of torture I had to endure. The pain I had to bury making sure it doesn't resurface.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he had seen I had zoned out.

"Yeah, I guess," I answered vaguely.

Some slow music started and the elegant, supposedly misunderstood prince put out his hand for me to join him for a dance.

"Shall we?" He said, leading me to the floor. 

We danced staring into his gorgeous eyes that made me melt inside. He made me do a little twirl and pulled me closer to him. I felt his toned body through his shirt and I shuddered when he moved closer to my ear and he whispered softly, his breath fanning on my ear.

"You're so gorgeous, sweet little." his raspy, deep voice made my heart skip a few beats. 

KISS HIM!!! I was screaming inside.

It's like he read my thoughts and instantly crashed his lips into mine. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach, it was a gorgeous night. We went back to the castle holding hands and I was giggling at his jokes. Once we arrived, he let go of my hand and stepped out. He turned to me.

"No one can know about us, okay?" He said in a low tone.

I nodded without hesitation. At least I got to be with him while other girls would die to be in my position. He hurried off leaving me by the limo, my mind elsewhere.

I can't believe I just kissed a prince! Holy guacamole, I actually kissed a prince. That whole night I couldn't focus on anything else but that. I immediately called Cora.

"Oh mah gosh, you won't believe what just happened!" I screamed.

" Meg, it's 3 a.m, what the actual fuck?" she replied groggily.

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