Weekend [part 4]

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After the long introduction to her family she wanted to spend time with them. Seeing her accepting her sons without any problem Mrs Wilson uff Mae was embarrassed as she too hesitated first. But anyways if her children are happy then she too is happy.
The three days were spent by Bondita with them. All of them loved her. Zee and Off already accepted her others too had accepted her in such a short time. Specially Tay. He is in love with her sister. He has become the possessive brother of her. Zee was happy that Bondita was already married or she would never got a boyfriend 🤣.

Fourth day:;

Bondita: Good morning guys.

Gun: morning nong

Tay: Good morning bon.

New: Gm bon. How was your sleep?

Bondita: Nice. But where are phi off and phi nu?

Gun: They went to meet someone. Also they will return in afternoon.

Bondita: oh. Phi tay, phi Zee and pao is in their meeting room right?

Tay: Khap nong.( Yeah nong)

Bondita: Then cam mae and you will come with me to meet them?

Tay: Nong you don't have to ask. Just tell us. 😊

Bondita: Can you please come?🥺🥺

New: What about me and gun?

Bondita: Well if mae says then only I will reveal my talk.😏

Gun: being over smart😏

Bondita: learned it from you phi.😊

Tay: okay. I will inform mae.

Bondita: Thanks phi.

In afternoon;

Bondita: Lets go mae. I really have to tell you guys.

Tay: Why are so hurried?

Mae: Yeah. Take a chill my Bon.😆

Bondita: Can we hurry?🥺

Tay: Okay okay.

Mae: Your puppy eyes can make any man fall for you

Tay: No way, any boy first have to go through me than only will he be able to take you away from us.😒

Bondita: Okay okay. ( But I already have a husband 😏)

Soon they reached the headquarters of Wink cooperatives. Wink is Mr Wilson's company. He had made that company with his blood, sweat and tear. Bondita was proud of him.

Bondita: It's really bigger than I thought it would be.

Tay:After hard work never fails anyone 😊

Bondita: That's true. Let's go to meet them.

Mae: Okay 😂.

At Mr Willson's office;

Zee: Dad you......

Bondita: SUPRISE!!😆

Zee: Hai! 😆 I really was surprised.

Tay: phi you too have given up to her.😂

Zee: If the ice mountain of our family can give up to her then why not me?! 😊

Pao: True.😂

Bondita: Pao, Mae, phi, I have something to confess. 😐

Pao: You don't have to be so serious.😊

Bondita: Because it is very serious.😐

Mae: You are making me worried now 😟

Bondita: Mae, you will not hate me after the truth comes up nah?😟

Zee: Bon, no one will hate you for that thing. And if they hate you then I and Off will cut all the relationship with them.

Mae: Is it serious?

Bondita: Kahp mae. (Yes, mom). I am already married. No I will be divorced soon too.😔. My husband is a big revolutionarist. He respect me too much. But he thinks me as child. He will never accept his love and respect to me as his wife. He is my everything in India. My love, my teacher, my friend, my father, my mother, MY LIFE! I can't leave him like this. So planned to make him guilty for hus actions. I am not judging him for mot liking me but for not making me understand what was the actual problem. He could have made me know what was the problem than marrying for secong time.😔

Tay: What!?😲 That Bastard!😡

Bondita: Phi he is my love. Respect him.😒

Zee: Well He is not bad. No I think he is better than any boy their.

Tay: Phi you too?😡

Zee: Although he did wrong by doing second marriage but he did it for a reason.

Bondita: Yeah phi tay. He did second marriage to make me focus on studies. But my sister manipulated me and she told me to do this and that for him. He wanted me to be successful in my life. He wanted to be a Barrister. But those things were so depressing me that...... I cut my hands and attempted to kill me self.😔

Mae: 😐 You are not going back their at any cost. I don't care if he is good or bad it's my final decision.

Bondita: Can you please hear me out?

Tay: What else to hear Bondita?😡 That bastard deserve to die!!

Zee: Everyone, please hear her out.

Bondita: After my suicide. I remembered all the things from my past life. I was not Bondita. In my past life, I was killed by my best friend for a project with cores of corruption. And I reincarnated in this baby Bondita's body. She was 4 years old when drowned by her mami and then on all the things started happening. I know everything about this girl that happened in the past.
She was kidnapped,
she was blamed,
she was called leftovers,
she was banned to enter inside temple. But the one that stood next to her was her pati babu, Anirudh Roy Chowdhury. He was the one to help her in everystage until they both died and twins were saved by some people.
By using past memory, I made Mami to sell me to you pao. But destiny happens no matter what! I was again saved by Anirudh babu and all that happened again. So I made a decision that she will never take. To distance myself from him. I was confident until I fell in love with him. Irony right?😆 I was scolding Bondita for falling in love with such boy, but I myself fell for him 😔.

Mae: What do you want now?

Bondita: I will marry him again at 18 years old. I wnat your permission!

Tay: Do you know whatever you said is not at all believing?😐

Bondita: I didn't wanted to lie you guys. So I told the truth. If you accept or not that's totally your decision to make.😔

Pao: I ..........

To be continued....

A/n : What will be Mr Willson's answer? To know, stay tuned.😊
By the way, this is a suprise update.🤫🤭

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